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Pokemon Academy *Given to Miner*(Not Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Pokemon Academy *Given to Miner*(Not Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 19:28 (11 Years ago)
A bunch of people got there eggs and talked and we were allowed to leave after we check our dorm list and got the key from the teacher. You might want to go through the posts in case you might wanna know something you missed.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 20:21 (11 Years ago)
Thank you}}
Does Alex just get her egg automatically, then?}}
Xavier walked along to his dorm, still cuddling the navy blue and cream egg in his hands, staring lovingly at the hard but warm shell. Shifting so he could grab his keys, he opened his dorm room door and plopped himself on the her, making the springs creak. Right after he sat down, a long, winding crack wove it's way down the the egg, and a slow, pulsing, light spilled out. Worried that he had cracked the egg, Xavier yelped in surprise and horror, quickly but gently setting the egg on his bed sheets. It did no good, however; the crack grew, and more cracks, this time smaller ones, branching from the first split, erupted with a small crinkling sound. Xavier could only stare as suddenly, the egg just about downright exploded, showering his sheets with small, filmy fragments; in it's place, cooing softly and rocking on it's small little laws, was a small, baby cyndaquil, shielding it's eyes from the bright glare of the light. Gasping in surprise, Xavier gently picked up the small fire Pokemon and cuddled it in a very girlish way; indeed, he was even giggling in a voice pitch about an octave above what was his normal tone. The small cyndaquil, when hugged, cooed softly, and sparks shot from the small but bright flame on his back... Promptly scorching the corners of Xavier's shirt. Xavier didn't mind, however; he continued hugging the small Pokemon.

Alex looked down at the small white and light blue egg settled in the crook of her forearm and smiled, relishing in the moment. Almost crashing into a wall because she was so distracted, Alex cursed herself and instead hurried into her form, balancing the egg precariously; it was lucky her dorm wasn't far away. Almost running into her room, she set the egg down on the floor and slowly sat next to it, staring at it; what now? It wasn't a plant, she couldn't really water it, and it wasn't necessarily conscious... At least, not yet. After looking around her room for clues, Alex resolved to just sit there, cross legged, peering at the egg with her head on her hands. After about twenty minutes of this, right when Alex was getting bored, a small, muffled whine started from inside the egg, and the egg rocked back and forth, like it was being pushed. Scrambling closer, Alex looked eagerly at the egg... But nothing happened to the shell; however, the muffled keening got more high pitched, and the rocking started up again, harder than before. After thinking for a while, Alex realized her Pokemon must be stuck inside the egg, unable to come out either because of the thickness of the shell or just insufficient strength. Gritting her teeth, Alex formed her right hand into a fist and hit the egg firmly, wincing while she did so; she didn't want to harm the Pokemon, after all. A spiderweb crack spread from where she hit it, and a muffled thud sounded throughout the room; a piece of shell cracked off, revealing a damp and dark entrance, where a bright blue and white shape darted out, making a few rounds around the room before landing softly on Alex's shoulder, nuzzling Alex's cheek. Grinning in delight, asked stroked the small serpent Pokemon on it's round head; dratini had always been one of her favorite Pokemon! Suddenly, the little dratini wrapped itself around Alex's shoulders, like a scarf. Chuckling softly, Adonai walked around the room with the Pokemon around her shoulders, reveling at the strange new attachment.
Made by KawaiiManaphy
Avatar by Ninetales12
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 20:32 (11 Years ago)
Once Ruby got to her dorm room she heard a little yelp coming from a nearby dorm. Then she heard a sound of a small explosion and go worried (Xavier's room). She went over to the room that the noise came from and banged the door with her fist. "Are you okay in there?" she said in a loud voice while clutching her egg carefully.

Crystal at first wanted to go to her room but, changed her mind and went outside. She found a kind of hidden spot behind a big tree and sat under it's shade. She quickly fell asleep while cradling her egg.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 20:54 (11 Years ago)
Lucas picked his room key. Hmm... Grass dorm, room 3. Got it. While I'm at it, I should really give Ralts a nickname. But not yet, that would male me look weird. he thought meekly.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 21:20 (11 Years ago)
Xavier, completely giddy that he had gotten such a nice pokemon, and his favorite type, too, that he dismissed the knocking. Only when it got more persistent and he heard a muffled voice coming through the door did he get up and walk to the door, albeit extremely slowly, with Cyndaquil resting on his forearm like a bird on a perch. Suddenly swinging the door open, he found himself face to face with a girl about his age. Raising an eyebrow, he glanced inquiringly at the girl, slightly amused. "Uh... Hello... And who might you be? Besides the girl who seemed ready to knock my door down?" Cyndaquil chose that time to clamber up onto Xavier's head, where he promptly ignited a lock of shaggy red hair. Grimacing, Xavier quickly put it out, and gave an apologetic smile to the girl. "Sorry about that... But yes. May I ask why you were knocking?"
Made by KawaiiManaphy
Avatar by Ninetales12
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 21:25 (11 Years ago)
Harley picked his torchic up, wanting to go find his room. He went to the classroom and asked where his room was
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 21:28 (11 Years ago)
Ruby looked at him and said "You shrieked and then I heard a small explosion, I was just worried. But, you seem fine except for the cyndaquil trying to burn your hair off." She giggled a little and suddenly her egg began to glow. It cracked and out came a vulpix. Ruby smiled as the vulpix climbed on her arms to her neck. "By the way I'm Ruby," she said to Xavier.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:13 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru followed after Harley, his Shinx on his shoulder still. "We're both in the Fire dorms." he stated, walking alongside him.

Tsuki smiled softly as she pet her egg. The feeling she'd felt when she first saw the egg was thick around her. It made her happy. She knew she would be in the Grass dorms, where Dark types were as well. Wandering around she saw that girl, Crystal. She was sleeping and cradling her egg. Tsuki smiled, walking over towards her.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:21 (11 Years ago)
Crystal heard foot steps heading towards her and quickly woke. She pulled a small knife from her boot and jumped to her feet facing the girl from earlier. "Oh it's you,"she said calmly and put the knife back in her boot"you never told me your name." She pulled her egg close and watched the shock on the girls face leave.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:26 (11 Years ago)
Lyn took her key and quickly left for the water dorm, still gently holding the shining white egg. She'd seen plenty of eggs hatching already, and though she was a little jealous, she stroked the egg. "Take your time," she cooed to it. "I want you to hatch strong and healthy." Quickly, she slipped into her room, Water 5, and set the egg on the bed, proceeding to flop across it and cover her face with her hands. So... she was finally here. It felt so amazing to know she'd have her own partner soon.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:28 (11 Years ago)
"Hikaru, do you know where our rooms are?" Harley was impatient to get some sleep, he'd been running for three miles just to get here
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:31 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki grinned. "Sorry bout that. Got called up." she explained. "Name's Tsukiakari. You can call me Tsuki. Tsukiakari is a long name." she laughed, shoving her hair away from her face. "Got any idea what pokemon you got? I'm assuming I got a dark type. The dark feeling and all."

Hikaru looked down at the key, before looking around the hallway. "This way." he stated, and started walking down a hallway. He remembered glancing at a map a while ago, and recognized the area.

((Do they have roommates or one person per dorm? x3 I don't remember.))

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:35 (11 Years ago)
(I'm guessing room-mates... let's see what oddballme says)

Harley follows hikaru, not saying anything. His torchic was chirping away, then hopped down and went over to shinx
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:39 (11 Years ago)
Shinx looked over her shoulder and looked down at the Torchic. She wiggled for a minute before she jumped from Hikaru's shoulder and and an behind him to walk beside the Torchic.

Hikaru stopped after a minute, before looking up at the door. "Here's one of the first rooms." he said. He was wondering if they'd have roommates. If they did, he hoped he was with Harley.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:44 (11 Years ago)
((I think it's one per dorm since there are enough rooms.))

Crystal looked up "Don't worry, when I hear people coming towards me while I sleep my first instinct is attack. I actually have no clue what it's type is going to be." Suddenly the egg began cracking and an Eevee popped out. the Eevee climbed up her arm and jumped onto her head and crystal smiled and giggled a little as her eyes shifted to a sunshine yellow. She picked up the Eevee from her head and hugged it happily forgetting Tsuki was there.

Ruby turned around hugging her Vulpix and saw two other guys coming her way. "Am I the only girl in this dorm? Anyway I'm Ruby, who are you two." Her Vupix buried her head in Ruby's arm when she saw other people and Ruy lightly stroked her head.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 23:50 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru looked over at the girl. "Hikaru." he stated blankly. He looked around, before looking back at Harley. "I think this is you. I think I'm next door though..." he stated, walking towards the next room, Shinx following.

Tsuki smiled, before feeling her egg shake. Her eyes widened and got a bad feeling. She quickly set her egg down on the ground and jumped back two feet, crouching. She got a bad feeling, and she needed to be prepared.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 00:02 (11 Years ago)
Harley ran towards hikaru "Wait! why don't we go ask Mr. Havle if we can share a room?
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 00:04 (11 Years ago)
Crystal was still smiling when suddenly Tsuki's egg shook. "Your eggs hatching," she said happily as her Eevee jumped down and watched the egg too. Crystal calmed and her excitement fizzled out as her eyes change back to there normal color. She watched the egg waiting to see what kind it would be.

Ruby called out as Hikaru walked away "Nice to meet you." She looked back at Harley and said "And wasn't your name Harley? Well nice to meet you," she said. Suddenly she saw a Butterfree on the tree outside the window. She quickly opened the window and Put her vulpix on her head. She grabbed the branch of the tree closest to the window and climbed it to where the pokemon was and played with the Butterfree as she sat in the tree.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 00:09 (11 Years ago)
Is there a fellow water Pokémon owner here? :3}}
Made by KawaiiManaphy
Avatar by Ninetales12
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 00:50 (11 Years ago)
I believe Mituna/Lyn has water type and Oddball/Emilee is in water dorm and Crystal is in the water dorm