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Pokemon Academy *Given to Miner*(Not Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Pokemon Academy *Given to Miner*(Not Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:06 (11 Years ago)
Nickname: Mituna, I guess Tuna works though.
Appearance: Here. She usually wears blue outfits like the color of the flower in her hair.
Pokémon Type you want: Water
Pokémon Gender: Female
Pokémon Ability: N/A
Pokémon Nature: Quiet
Your character's name: Lyn
Your character's gender: Female
Your character's age: 15
Your characters personality: Quiet, very shy. Not easily angered, but when she is, she's not afraid to smack someone.
Your characters history: Comes from a cold region, prefers ice and water types
Password: Kanto
Other: Student

Nickname: Same as above
Appearance: Here.
Pokémon Type you want: He wants Fire, but he's getting Grass. xD
Pokémon Gender: male
Pokémon Ability: N/A
Pokémon Nature: Impish
Your character's name: Rey
Your character's gender: male
Your character's age: 12
Your characters personality: Selfish, doesn't play well with others. Easily angered when things don't go his way.
Your characters history: Grew up spoiled in a wealthy house.
Password: Same as the first profile
Other: Student
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 22:54 (11 Years ago)
Tuna, Character 1's (Female) pokemon: Quiet Seel, Quiet Squirtle, Quiet Piplup, Quiet Totodile, or if you don't want any of these or had a preferred one in mind you can tell me.

Character 2's (Male) pokemon: Impish Oddish (You knew :O) Impish Bulbasaur, Impish Chickorita, Impish Snivy. Feel free to ask for more, or the preferred one.

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 23:46 (11 Years ago)
Ok, so.. Who starts?
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 23:50 (11 Years ago)
I start... You all need to know the time and we will start tomorrow when Tuna picks her pokemon (Or today, if she does)

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 00:02 (11 Years ago)
Yeah, i'm guessing she'll pick today
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 00:16 (11 Years ago)
Let's hope so. I really wanna get this RP started.

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 00:50 (11 Years ago)
So do i, it sounds interesting! :D
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 00:57 (11 Years ago)
I'll explain what dorms there are, what the classes are, and what is near us in the start of the RP. So you know what all that is.. And maybe more XD

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 01:30 (11 Years ago)
Nickname: Yua
Appearance: Here
Pokémon Type you want: Dark
Pokémon Gender: Female
Pokémon Ability: Intimidate
Pokémon Nature: Naughty
Your character's name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki for short)
Your character's gender: Female
Your character's age: 16
Your characters personality: Tsuki is sweet and calm, but slightly mysterious. She doesn't always answer questions given to her straight on. She doesn't really have a temper, and it takes a lot to get her angry, but get her going and it's like a disaster hit. She also tends to slap people if they're being rude, or said something that was completely stupid.
Your characters history: She has a slight obsession on telling fortunes, and finds herself to be pretty good at it. At first her parents thought it was just a obsession that would go away in time, but they started to get scared of her once it didn't go away after 3 years, and some of her fortunes started to become true. So when she was 16 they kicked her out of the house, and she decided to come to school.
Password: Hoenn
Other: Student

Nickname: Yua
Appearance: Here (Just without the coat, and regular clothes)
Pokémon Type you want: Electric
Pokémon Gender: Female
Pokémon Ability: Rivalry
Pokémon Nature: Brave
Your character's name: Hikaru
Your character's gender: Male
Your character's age: 12
Your characters personality: Hikaru is slightly shy, but mostly curious and gets confused by foreign actions. He tends to follow you around because he doesn't really have anything else to do. He's not really scared of anyone, just frightened if they try to hurt him. Since he's so small and young, some tend to underestimate him in a fight.
Your characters history: He doesn't really know who his parents are because he stopped seeing them when he was around 6 years old. Since they were wealthy it was always the rude Nanny who took care of him. He wandered off a lot and tended to get lost. When he was 11 his parents fired the Nanny he had for almost 6 years, and started looking for a good school to send him to.
Password: Sinnoh
Other: Student

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 01:48 (11 Years ago)
Yua, here's your pokemon! Tsuki: Naughty Pawinard, Naughty Zoura, Naughty Purrlion, or Naughty Absol. You can choose more or choose one you prefer, if its allowed in school

Hikaru: Brave Blitzle, Brave Pichu, Brave Eevee (The teacher hands you a Thunderstone for Jolteon), Or Brave Elekid
Same as above

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 01:54 (11 Years ago)
Can Tsuki get Poochyena and Hikaru a Shinx? And do you want me to edit out the password?

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 01:55 (11 Years ago)
Both pokemon are fine. and you can edit out the password ^_^
You all want to start? I have the script for the rp right here ^_^

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 02:06 (11 Years ago)
Awesome! ^.^ And edited it out. What now? We waiting?

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:11 (11 Years ago)
I'd like to get Seel and Snivy (if Snivy is okay).

Sorry, I just got back from a VB tournament... we lost. :,(

But I'm ready to go whenever. ^-^
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:32 (11 Years ago)
Here goes nothing. After the long 9 hour wait (For me) its all about to unravel.
Time: 8:00 in the morning.

Classes: Math, Science, History, English, Battle (Optional), Breeding (Optional), Art (Optional), Music Arts (Optional)
Field trips: Legendries': Birds, Dogs. (More to come!)

Field trips: Pokedex: Bill's Eeveelutions, Professor Oak's lab

Near places: Pokecenter, Pokemart, Pokémon park, (RANDOM NUMBER IIIIS:6) Ground gym(More as I think of them)

Dorms: Fire dorms (1-5) (Fire, Electric, and Fighting type dorms) Grass dorms (1-5) (Grass, Psychic, and Dark type dorms) Water dorms (1-5) (Water, Ice, and Flying type dorms) Normal dorms: (Any type I missed)
Tuna, Seel and Snivy are fine.

RP starts... NAOW.
Emilee had stridden up the steps in her normally show-off way. "Its so beautiful!" She said, gazing up at the building. She set her stuff by the door, and sat down in a chair. She read a book about her favorite pokemon, Growlithe. (I was all like NOPE YOU BE GETTIN AZURILL.) She looked at the door, and saw other students coming up.

Mr. Havle (Its now havle XD) looked at the students greeting them as they walked in. "Hello!, Hi!" He said to the students. His Ivysaur waved hi with his vines.
(So sorry you lost the tournament, Tuna:,( )

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 03:41 (11 Years ago)
Hikaru blinked before looking up at the tall building. It reminded him of his parents house. He shrugged before continuing on. He hoped he'd find someone. He had no clue where he was.

Tsuki sighed, moving her white hair off of her shoulder. "Now where the heck am I supposed to go?" she asked aloud. She had no idea where she was at this point, and was hoping someone would find her to help her out.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:28 (11 Years ago)
Lyn quietly entered the building, feeling odd being one of the oldest. It'd taken so long to get the money, then there was the trouble of getting here... With her head down and tightly hugging her books to her chest, she stepped into the class where the instructor waited with his Ivysaur.

She didn't really care much what she got, but she would love an Ice type or Water type. If she were to go home, it would fit in perfectly. Here, she was so hot the best she could do was to wear an airy blue shirt and really short white shorts, of course with flip flops. It might have been a good idea to put her hair up, but she enjoyed it down too much for that.

Rey looked at the school building, unimpressed. This was the size of the house they had for the various butlers and maids. Holding his case with two fingers over his white, button up long sleeve shirt, he strode inside. Whatever pokemon they gave him, it better be fire type, or he was going to take the issue right up to the top. Maybe Torchic would be good, since Blaziken were really good. But the first evolution was just too... Girly. Cydaquil was a bit weird looking, but Typhlosion was great. And Charmander or Chimchar, though. Either of those he would take hands down. Just the thought of having a Charizard was enough to make him smirk. Finding his class, he ignored the teacher entirely as he took a seat in the back corner. The idiot had an Ivysaur, how lame. Grass starters were nothing compared to fire's brute power.

(XD GUESS WHAT YOU'RE GETTING KID! And don't worry bout it. We just lost so bad, it was pretty sad... :/ )
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:34 (11 Years ago)
Harley started into the school, upset. He went right to his classroom and took a seat in the middle row, then waited for the others to arrive, hoping not to draw any attention to himself
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:53 (11 Years ago)
Nickname: you can call me ID!
Appearance: Click
Pokémon Type you want: Water
Pokémon Gender: Female
Pokémon Ability: Shed Skin
Pokémon Nature: Gentle
Your character's name: Alex(Alexandra) Darque
Your character's gender: Female
Your character's age: 16
Your characters personality: She is quite a cool and indifferent person, and slightly standoffish; however, even though she is quiet and reserved, Alex is also very smart and observant; she pays attention to everything, and is also very meticulous and neat. She tends to be ver blunt and t the point, and overall a very efficient person; never loses her cool, and is always calm, though she get's annoyed more often than most.
Your characters history: to be RP'ed
Password: Arcanine, right? Or Kanto...
Other: Student

Nickname: Again, call me ID. :3
Appearance: Click
Pokémon Type you want: Fire
Pokémon Gender: Male
Pokémon Ability: Blaze
Pokémon Nature: Bold/Brave
Your character's name: Xavier Parks
Your character's gender: Male
Your character's age: 16
Your characters personality: Very nice and outgoing, and loves to joke around; he tends to be a bit clumsy and oblivious, but means well. Very bold and courageous but slightly hasty and rash, he tends to hurt people by accident, both physically and emotionally. A very sweet and kind person, and loves to socialize.
Your characters history: To Be Rp'ed
Password: Arcanine/Kanto, still.
Other: Student
Made by KawaiiManaphy
Avatar by Ninetales12
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2013 04:59 (11 Years ago)

Alex! Gentle: Mudkip, oshawott, squirtle. If you want something different, just say so

Xavier Growlithe, Cyndaquil, Tepig, or charmander. tell me if you want something different