Nova could only weakly push his paws around. "W-who's there, I
can't see?!" His mind was fuzzy but he could recognize the voice of
his trainer. The trains and that deceived him and liked to play
with his Pokemon by caving their flesh. His bright, big blue eyes
were like by gone.
"You dorks, i'm the only bandit you got so
i'll be the one looking for supplies. I swear if you guys
get into any trouble while i'm gone somebody's gonna get grounded."
He playfully snapped at the group. "Ah-You're awake! I was worried
that you'd die on us." Lilac quietly commented, currently
He felt bad for the Sylveon. It was probably used to having the
sense to see, It would be hard for him to suddenly get used to the
loss of an important part of the body. Damian felt like it was
entirely his fault, He wasn't even as good as Lolo to heal, And he
couldn't even help the Sylveon protect itself.
His mane had puffed up, Surprised by the sudden nudge from the
Espeon. "I uh.. I.. I'm Damian." Arceus, Damian. You needed to make
a good first impression, Not make a fool our of yourself. "I'm a..
Another healer."
Lolo saw his effort and rubbed her head on him "Good job." She
smiled and turned back to the Sylveon, "Is there anything you need
right now? Food? Water?"
"Y.. Yeah, Do you want anything?" Being hospitable was the least he
could do, Since he himself wasn't very strong nor observant. He
knew he couldn't protect the Sylveon, But he was trying. Damian
didn't like seeing his former teammates faint, Fighting other
Pokémon who were forced to do the same.
Maybe he still had the fight in him? It wasn't too long before. But
he hasn't used his fire powers anytime before in quite awhile, The
best he knew he could muster was Crunch, And it wasn't even
particularly powerful or special in any way.
*smiles* "I am a clueless leader but I hope you see why I created
this place... I created it for people like you who are willing to
help others no matter the cost..." *looks at everyone then at Nova*
"It's Pokémon like you guys. Who make lives of miserable Pokémon
worth living.." *smiles warmly trying to make everyone feel relief
after a rough night*
He was shocked from the small speech Lavenderstar had given to all
of them, Feeling flustered after realizing what she had said. "I..
Uh," Maybe trying to be optimistic would be a good idea. "We should
rest. How about in the morning, I make some berry salad again?" It
had been awhile since he had last made that delicacy, Since he
spent most of his time bandaging up everybody else.
Quickly making mental notes of the berries he needed, Damian had
quickly thought of an idea. "How about I also make some berry juice
too since it's been so long since we've eaten berries?" His eyes
twinkled, Excited for the next morning. "What do you think,
Lolo immediately tenses up from the sound and tries to stand as
close as possible to Damian, but tries to hide her fear.
"If you need any help with the food, I would be more than happy to