"Alpha Ursaring are agressive but now we talking about Female
Ursaring , she dont harm anyone if we dont hurt theird childs ...
She looked at Lavenderstar and frowned
"Not every pokemon is same ..."
*sighs* "But we need to be careful. I can't go with you. LoLo says
I must stay here until my eye heals. If you'd like to apologize you
must do that on your own."
*notices the fairy wind* "This is the second time this has happened
today. Come with me. We're going to find whatever this is." *walks
up and starts heading toward the direction but stops to wait for
"My best friend was Beartic , I think Ursarings isnt very diffent
... "
She gets up and smiled
"If i get on battle i can always run , i can do it alone but thank
you .. "
She followed him quickly
*laughs* "I get that. But if you are in a battle and happened to
get injured I can run back and warn everyone else." *slowly creeps
toward the slyveon*
"We Glaceleons have very special ability , we usually live at
places with Snow Storms and when somebody got lost we used it , its
called Wind Scream "
She stays hidden in shadow and watched Sylveon
( @Sissyfox Sorry if you have gotten confused. Lavender returned
after washing the bear I'm sorry if you didn't see the post. It
rained last night and my internet is bad and it doesn't always post
*notices the Slyveon and whispers to Eevlyn* "Stay quiet."
She nodded and suddely she stops moving , she is absolutly
" Sylveon , why Sylveon ?!
Evelyn dont like Sylveons very much becouse one of them stealed her
Yosei walks over to the group, "Who do we have here?" He holds out
his feelers towards the stranger, "Hello, my name is Yosei and I am
a healer here. What's your name?"