Lolo spoke quietly, "w-well, seeing as how there's a lot more of us
now, and we're bound to get more members... we can use its body for
resources. Use the fur for blankets, the meat for food. We can
carve the bone for tools and weapons. It was just a thought..."
*smiles* "You're wise Lolo. I like what you're thinking. However,
we must be sanitary. Once the body has thawed out we can go to
forest. There's a waterfall with a pool of clean water surrounding
it. We can go there cut the body open and wash them out and use
them a resources. It sounds gross but our sources are limited
around here."
"I agree. Follow me. We will create a place to remember him before
we use his body. We must thank his soul for the body he has given
us to use." *begins to walk but waits at door for others*
Yosei follows the others and steps up beside Blaire, "Hey Blaire,
if you ever need anyone to talk to we will be there for you." He
smiles gently at Blaire and starts to walk ahead of her toward
Star noticed Silver Ribbon bounding around and walked over and
asked, "Silver Ribbon, are you alright?" She was somewhat worried
about her Eevee friend.
"I'll find something hard to carve out the words. Once you have
finished come join me in a circle. We are going to pray to Arceus
and thank him for the resources he has given us."
Name: ??? (was never named but preferred being called Nobody)
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Eevee or Eeveelution (if you're an Eeveelution please tell me which
one): Eeveelution Slyveon
Scarred Heart or Healing Heart: Healing heart
Job (if you are a scarred heart then you don't need to add this):
Injury or Health Issue (if you are a healing heart you don't need
to add this): None
Backstory: So he was born into a family of eevees so one day he was
saving tons of people for his school bullys then HE evolved into
syleveon everyone laughed at him he called him a girl so he ran
Appearance (pictures aren't needed!): Just looks like a normal