Narano and Neira trying to find Gym , unsuccefuly
"Neira , i told you i dont know location !" Narano yelled at
They walking in this forest for hours and still nothing
"Neira. ... We need to find them , they killed Crystal and we will
take revenge .." Neira sayd calmly
Crystal was her and Narano trainer , she was killed in Pokemon
"Neira , look .." Narano whispered
Right in front of Naira was someone hiding in bush
Neira followong then , she moving in shadow of trees and behind
bushes , Narano sitting on her antlers ..
"Why we following them ?" Narano whispered to Neira ear
"Why no ? Maybe they can teach something .."
Neira smiled slowly and starts going little faster , trying to get
closer to them , Narano almost falled on ground
"Hmm .. That little one seems familiar , right Neira?" Narano
Neira just nodded and continue running , still hidden in shadow .
"Neira , stop i l know him , its Venom " Narano whispered
Suddely Narano covered Neira eyes with wings and Neira quickly
"Hey , do you have problem ?!" Neira yelled at Narano
"Neira , quiet !" Narano whispered
Neira suddely turned white and looks at Ty and Venom if they heared
Narano quickly flyed on tree and Neora hides in bush
"I guess i need to be more carefull next time .." Neira whispered
for herself
"I need to stop them .." Narano whispered
Suddely Narano flyed from tree and flyes right bafore Ty and
"Hey , You big guy !" Narano frowned at Ty
"Leave Venom alone , she isnt part of our rebelion , you dont need
to kill him !"
Neira stayed hidden in bush
First off, Venom is a She, secondly she came to me! So you can just
move along and leave us neutrals alone!
I choose him Narano! I told you im done with the Underground! And
he isnt affiliated with the Rebellion anymore! *Showe Tys arms*
See! No.rebellion badge!
Narano frown at Venom and then lools at Neira hidden in bush
"Hey , do you rememver Venom from BlueStone village ?" Narano
Neira slowly walked out of bush and frowns at Narano
"Narano , you mistake Wenom from BlueStone and Venom from
Underground ..."
Narano lools at Venom
"But ... They looking totaly same ! "
Narano used Petal Dance and Narano dissapered in petals , then
suddely arrived sitting on Neira antlers
"Sorry for her ... She is crazy " Neira bowed a little
"I am Neira , But humans call me PetalDancer and this little one is
Narano , humans know her like SoundWave . I am leader of Team
Crystal and we started mission called RedEye ."
Narano opened wings and showed symbol on her wing , it was broken
poleball , symbol of humans
"We are here for revenge , please show us where we find Killers of
Humans and we will let you live ... " Narano told with cold voice
*Ignites his back*
We have no quarrel with you, you have no.right attacking us, we are
not Rebellion, i dont know who killed you trainer, but we are not
the ones you are looking for! And i will never go back to.the
Rebellion, especially when im being threatened!
*walks away with Venom*
"We just wanna know location of Old Gym , its everything ... "
Neiro whispered
"Neiro ,they not gonna help is , they are like others .. " Narano
Neira looked at Venom for last time , she was underground and then
she disapered , everybody was soo scared and now ... She abandoned
"Take care of her , Eternal Flame , I hope trees show you your way
" Neira told
Then Neira and Narano dissapered in forest