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Pokemon:Mystic Creations

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Pokemon:Mystic Creations
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Thu, 21/04/2016 02:30 (8 Years ago)
Kurt never really had interest in Pokemon training, until he moved into the new region of Kraton, where he... Um... Meets the great lord Arceus on the first day he arrives. Realising his talent, he sets off a journey to become the league champion. This won't be easy though, as he has to battle a mysterious team that wants the great Lord for itself. What is the truth behind Kraton? And what is the truth behind everything?


Kurt stepped out from the moving truck. This was the region of Kraton, or at least town Evergreen. It doesn't give out much of a modern feel, just a feel of Nature... And the Pokemon Gym and the Lab. There were other houses, but no, they had to move in into the gym. Like he wanted many people walking into his house with Pokemon covered in mud. Ew. Disgusting.

"Your father 's gym it is, you know," his mother said, moving in some crates. "I told them to add in some floors. The gym is at the basement, so we get the upper two floors," she escorted Kurt upstairs. "And this is your room. Downstairs is the living room and lower is the gym. You can visit your father there, maybe even challenge him. But again, if you actually take up Pokemon training," she sighed. "You have your father's talent. You could be a great trainer."

Of course, Kurt was tired of all the nagging. He had no interest in Pokemon training. Scrap that, he had no interest in basically everything. He turned on the TV. "Pokemon with Pyschic powers bend spoons and move objects..." He perked his ears. Pokemon training is boring, but Pokemon with Psychic powers? This seems interesting. "These Pokemon are now for distribution at the Pokemon Lab..." Kurt turned off the TV. The Lab was just next door... So he could possibly get there in time.

Kurt rushed in to the Lab, unaware that it was... Again, someone's house. He climbed down the stairs, only to find a lot of doors. One of them must be the lab... He turned left, turned right, and then turned Left again, before finding a door marked "Lab". "I need a Pokemon..." Huh. No one was there. Maybe the professor was out, but it said it was there for distribution. He walked back up the stairs and out the house, only to find a commotion.

A white Pokemon, with a Gold plate-ish thing around it, was in the middle of the town, wrecking havoc. "Wha...? That Pokemon..." Kurt stuttered. It was huge, and radiated a... Godly aura. But if it was a god, why would it be wrecking havoc? Most importantly, why would it be wrecking havoc in this town, the day he came in? The professor was there, scared by the Pokemon, seemingly begging. Kurt gritted his teeth. He has to defeat it. He grabbed one of the Pokeballs in the Professor's bag and sent it out.

A Ralts immediately came out of the Pokeball. Kurt studied it. It was one of the three Pokemon shown on the TV about Psychic Pokemon. Perhaps he was just lucky to get one of those. The Godly Pokemon stared down, seemingly stunned from what it saw. A human wanted to fight it?With a little Pokemon like that? Eighteen plates started to rotate around the Pokemon, until a black one merged into the big one. The one immediately turned black as well, and the Pokemon radiated a dark aura.

"Ralts, confusion!" Kurt commanded, and Ralts unleashed its Psychic Attack, only to find it totally useless against the opposing Pokemon. "It's dark type! That's why Psychic types are useless!" He exclaimed. Was it the plate that changed its type? Even its aura changed... Fascinating....

The giant Pokemon then started to gather a dark aura around its mouth, before unleashing it, going towards Ralts. "Dodge!" Kurt commanded, and Ralts dodged the attack just in time. "Magical Leaf!" Kurt said,as the Pokemon shot leaves at the other, inflicting a damage of... About zero. The huge Pokemon raised a brow. He dared to continue attacking it... It didn't know if it was out of courage-or plain stupidity. Again, maybe it didn't identify it...

The people around the battle was stunned. This kid... Is he that stupid to take on the Pokemon God? A boy with glasses stood at the back, studying the battle. The kid had potential. Maybe even become champion. Interesting.

Kurt tensed. Even the grass type move was useless against this Pokemon. Was it really that strong? He pondered for a while. Maybe he could use Ralts' power to its limit. "Ralts, use your power to move chunks of the ground and hit it," he commanded, and Ralts did so, using the ground to hit the huge Pokemon. The huge Pokemon smirked, before flying away.

"What was that?" Kurt asked, looking at the sky in which the Pokemon flew away. "Arceus," the boy with glasses said. "The legendary Pokemon said to create the world," he said. "Then why would it be here? Wreaking havoc?" He asked. "Honesty, I don't know," the boy said. Looking closely, the boy has a pretty square face, with square thick glasses. He has a glowing stone attached to one side of his glasses. "But I'll maybe get to the end of it," he said, sending out a Salamence before flying away on it.

"I guess I should get to,the end of it too..." Kurt muttered.

What do you think?

Hello, kinda. Hong kong here.