Forum Thread
Pokemon Quest
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon QuestIn a mystical land, pokemon thrive. From small creatures to fearsome dragons, these pokemon populate the land from the north to the south. But evil is rising. Some pokemon, including most of the dragons, have joined the evil. Pokemon like you, however, can learn to fight back. To fight the evil, a great wizard has come out of exile, to train brave pokemon willing to fight the evil pokemon. You are one of these chosen pokemon.

RP name:
Class:(Warrior, rogue, mage, ranger, Cleric/healer)
Pokemon:(I will use a random generator so you will have a choice of 6 pokemon, then rerolls of 3, then 2, then 1, and If you have not chosen yet after all those rolls, you can choose any pokemon from those rolls. PM or palpad me for these rolls!)
Gender of character:
(optional)Accessories and other:
(optional) Appearance:
(please backspace anything in brackets before posting)
RP name:
Class:(Warrior, rogue, mage, ranger, Cleric/healer)
Pokemon:(I will use a random generator so you will have a choice of 6 pokemon, then rerolls of 3, then 2, then 1, and If you have not chosen yet after all those rolls, you can choose any pokemon from those rolls. PM or palpad me for these rolls!)
Gender of character:
(optional)Accessories and other:
(optional) Appearance:
(please backspace anything in brackets before posting)

All pokemon start at level 5. Please
refer to moves per level. Your pokemon will get a weapon or skill
based on class. I explained random generator in form. Evolving from
methods besides levelling will be ten levels after previous
evolution, or twenty levels if they have not evolved previously.
You can have as many characters as you can handle, but please
specify for when they speak or act. Please do not use gore, intense
romance, or swearing in this roleplay, and be nice to other
players! We all want to have fun, right?

KamtheLucarioSenpai, chimchar healer,
level 5
est531, growlithe warrior, level 5
Junko, klefki mage, level 9
flytewing, riolu mage, level 11
JinIvory, tynamo rogue, level 9
pastelpookivil, Eevee mage, level 5
Shadina, buizel rogue, level 5
PkmnTrainerTiger, sneasel warrior level 7
teius, fennekin mage, level 8
Arwen, shinx rogue, level 7
est531, growlithe warrior, level 5
Junko, klefki mage, level 9
flytewing, riolu mage, level 11
JinIvory, tynamo rogue, level 9
pastelpookivil, Eevee mage, level 5
Shadina, buizel rogue, level 5
PkmnTrainerTiger, sneasel warrior level 7
teius, fennekin mage, level 8
Arwen, shinx rogue, level 7
RP name: Clarios
Gender of character:Male
(optional)Accessories and other:
(optional) Appearance:A Shiny klefki,however,He only haves three keys,one made of bronce that represents the earth,other made of Silver that represents the moon,And one made of gold that represents the sun,The order of those keys is Silver-Bronze-Gold,the silver and gold one seem to shine more than the bronze one
Title: My rolls(to prove it's random)And my form!
I choose riolu!
RP name:Auronus
Pokemon:Riolu(rolled lucario)
Gender of character:Male
Accessories and other:He wears a dark blue cloak, and is beginning to be able to see auras, so he seeks out the great wizard Alakazam.

(You can post in your own style, illiterate or literate, because it is a a description of your character)

And then,he sensed somebody in the mountain near his village,it seemed like a Riolu...But yellow?He was a different color of the other Klefki,but others like him wasnt something he expected.
Curious,ge went to that mountain,as the presence felt closer and closer...
As he expected,it was a shiny Riolu,but he was wearing a dark blue cloack,and looked at him like if he knew Clarios was looking for him,maybe he was too a mage?That would explain why his presence can be felt from far.
"Oh,good day sir,im Clarios,it's a pleasure..."Clarios said to the Riolu stranger

RP name: Shade
Pokemon: Tynamo (rolled Eelectrik)
Gender of character: Male
Shiny: No...
(optional)Accessories and other: Wears a black cloak.
(optional) Appearance: small scare over left eye...slightly blind in left eye.