Forum Thread
Aroma Town [Open]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Aroma Town [Open]Tales was speechless. "A-Alder... I missed you so much!" She said. The red head smiled. "Yeah... I did too... But I'M afraid now isn't the time for celebrating..." He said slowly.
Alder looked down. "What I mean is that well, Ex-Team plasma has formed and they managed to get there hands on Kyrum and now there trying to destroy the world by freezing it."
Violet looked shocked. "M-more team plasma people? Man I'm tired of beating them..." He said.
Tales looked down and closed her eyes. Well, I must finish what I started..." she said and looked back up and her eyes simmered like never before.
Alder laughs. "Come on Tales, cheer up. Anyways Dark, it's nice to meet you. I'm the previous Unova region Champ. I trained Tales when she was a trainer."
" she says and the three nodded. They went to the outskirts.
Once they got to the outskirts, Tales took a flute a stone out her bag and held it up. All of a sudden, the stone glowed and Tales has summoned Risheram. The Pokémon of Truth. Risheram looked at Tales. "Well, the hero of Truth has returned. I heard all about it. Lets go." He said and the three climbed on The back of the legendary.
Tales stared out into the vast sky as they rode to Village bridge. "I'm so sorry Dark..." She thought quietlly while Violet sat next to her.
Tales walked slowly down the sidewalk with Violet. "It was nice to get to go home again..." Tales said to her Ninetales. Violet nodded. "Yeah, it's the comeing back part thats hard, to you at least., He said referring to Dark.