He smiles and nods "he´s my only pokemon for a reason: he can
understand me and I can understand him. I dont think I´ve ever been
so closed to someone or any pokemon before. I would be completly
lost if something happened to him..." he sighs
"Oh...OH! Thank you for waking me, i didnt want anybody to see me
sleeping... I-I'm Tales, and this Ninetales is Violet." Violet says
hi, but only Tales can understand him. "He says Hi.
Violet walks circles around Luke.
"What are you doing?" Tales signals.
"Just seeing if hes worthy." Violet says but like always Tales can
Violet walks over to Tales and she gentlly strokes one of his
"I'm sorry, but I got to go back to my room. Hopefully I'll see you
later." Tales says and walks away with Violet.
While walking, the two pass a girl and a Houndoom. The two go back
to their room, number 5