I lost premium, and i'm currently looking for nuggets. Also, i lost
the flutes.
AND I haven't much time
AND the few eggs that daycare is giving me aren't events.
Currently hunting: 1x FEMALE Lepreowth
So, for that i'm...
Breeder Form:
[size=16][b]Hello Mossi! I wanna be a
breeder :D[/b][/size]
[b]Black Flute:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]White Flute:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Premium:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Ditto:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Events?:[/b] (Lower than 50%, 50% or higher than 50%)
[b]Additional Comments[/b]: (Optional)
Hello Mossi! I wanna be a
breeder Black Flute: no White Flute: no Premium: no Ditto: no Events?: 60/129 not sure were that puts me at Additional Comments: I am also a part of a shiny breeding
shop but when I am able I will help with the orders here
Hello Mossi! I wanna be a
breeder Black Flute: no White Flute: no Premium: no Ditto: no Events?: higher than 50% (I have bought the events I am
missing, I just need to wait to ecieve them) Additional Comments: I have a breeding shop of my own and
have some extra events for sale right now. I am currently hunting
for sugar shock and when I'm done my orders I can help after that
unless someone wants what I am already planning on hunting I can
extend the hunt.
Hello Mossi! I wanna be a
breeder Black Flute: No White Flute: No Premium: No Ditto: No (currently looking for one) Events?: Lower than 50% Additional Comments: I might not get hired, Im not looking
to get paid, I might need to borrow some events.