Lotus flinched, she'd never said that. "level 50?" Ariette gave a
little laugh. "No way! Maybe all of us fighting together, but I
doubt one of us alone could defeat-" Silver interrupted by bouncing
over and singing even louder. "Yay! New poke!" she stopped in front
of Greyson. "Hiya! I'm Silver!" she beamed. Lotus rolled her eyes.
Grayson smiled, Silver was endearing, reminding him of home. "Yes,
level 50. Isolation makes Pokemon bored, they end up just battling
for dominant and territory. They become crazy almost, feral." He
told them, eyes roaming over the smaller Pokemon around him. He
stroked Silver with a small shadow, not quite noticing he was doing
"Sooo, where's Elle?" Ariette asked innocently. "Uh... Ooh dear."
Lotus looked around frantically. "Not... Here?" Silver stared at
Greyson. (I am the queen of descriptive I mean seriously XD)
Pokemon's name: Kybo
Pokemon: Totodile
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy, keeps to himself, enjoys rainy weather, hates the
Other: Wears a green handkerchief around his neck, a gift from his
best friend
(Will this work?)