(What's a dimensional scream?)
"Well,then follow me!"Juan said,and took the two pokemom to the
kitchen,were Clara and Grey were eating the soup
"Clara,Grey,i present to you Hawlu and Malan,Malan and Hawlu,Clara
and Grey"
"Oh,hello,nice to meet you!"Clara said
A voice was heard in Grey's head "Fate has brought another human,the Amaura that is in the
guild,you should talk to her"
Clara looked at the Hawlucha and the Amaura
"Sorry uf Grey ignored you,he's just...Timid"Clara said
"I'm Clara,a pleasure,which are your names?"
'Kay cool what ever...I may talk to here can you just learn to
read the mood Im tired and sick and Im trying to read....' grey
told the voice in his head. 'Who are you any way? You keep saying stuff to me but I have no
clue what or who you are...' grey said to the voice in his
Grey flipped through his book, sipping his drink.
"hmmm...Well,you will have knew opportunities to met her
anyways,you can just read for now
Also,I will tell you who I am when the time has arrived..."The
voice said
"You know,you should be more patient"An Aggron said to the
Hawlucha,after entering the guild
"I'm Kahn,the leader of this Guild,why were you looking for
me?"Kahn asked
"Hmmm,great,well,which is your team name?"The aggron asked at the
two new members"Also,once you join,you wlnt be declared fully a
team until you have passed the training week"