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Let's Create a new Pokemon!

Forum-Index Forum Games Let's Create a new Pokemon!
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 32
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 18:52 (8 Years ago)
Welcome,Welcome to

Let's Create a new Pokemon!

As you will think,here all the users will create a brand new pokemon

QuoteAll Pokeheroes rules don't apply here
No rushing,bullying
You can create a legendary pokemon with at least 70 normal pokemon
No double-commenting
First 9 pokemon are starters,3 of them being fire,another 3 from water,and 3 from grass
You can make new megas,but the next comment will continue the chain
If make new mega,be sure its DEX number #PKMNDEXNUMBERM (without bold M)
If possible,make a sprite of the new pokemon

IMPORTANT!How to make a pokemon

Making a pokemon is that easy,to make a new pokemon you need to leave this:

[pokemon name]
[pokemon type]
[pokemon accesories=tail,rings,etc.]
[pokemon first 4 moves=OBLIGATORY!First move needs to be Scratch or Tackle,now you can select the another moves]
[pokemon dex number=the new gen 7 is coming,and i readed that the last dex number for gen 7 is 791,so let's start with 792,YOU NEED TO CONTINUE THE LAST COMMENT'S DEX NUMBER]

All ready?everybody ready?let's start!

Fire/Cat-type pokemon
Fire tail,and a small flame from the ears
Moves:Scratch,Tail Whip,Ember and Dig
Dex Number #792

Now Lets continue
This is Fireball,The master Charizard

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 20:25 (8 Years ago)
I'm just gonna point a few things out...

1. This game already exists here.
2. There are only 3 Starter Pokemon per region though those have 2 evolved forms.
3. Your "accessories" aren't really accessories, what you're asking for are actual characteristics of the Pokemon.
4. Not every Pokemon starts off with the moves Scratch or Tackle --
For example, Froakie's start moves are Pound & Growl and Togepi's are Growl & Charm.
4.5. Most Pokemon learn a lot more than 4 moves over the course or leveling up, TMs/HMs, Move Tutors, etc.
5. The last Pokemon currently listed in the National Pokedex is Volcanion at #721...

Trainerlevel: 117

Forum Posts: 1,581
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 21:42 (8 Years ago)
Malkins is right, this game is already existing. Closing this.