"You never changed your life through. YOu never were evil! You
never did anything bad!" She shrieked. Bud heard the commotion and
came over. She paled.
" As if you know me... My Brother, I tried killing him because he
created a fight between me and my parents , because of which , I
had to leave home. " Navneet said with tears in his eyes
"False." Hissed Diamond.
Suddenly a voice spoke. Pain shall be split, the daughter of
evil shall be released, the sisters shall release the good, the
diamond will save, the crystal shall love, the brothers will
release evil...
(Okay , i just want to say I am not Flowey in human form , okay ?
:D )
She watching them , she hiding behind bush and her flame mane was
red like blood
"In this word its Kill Or be killed , Eat or be eaten " she
whispered for herself
Fluffy just nodded.
Flare dont know what to do - She want kill Witchcraft but she isnt
soo strong and Mega-evolve maybe dont help plus Fluffy dont know
where Ponyta Mega stone is ..