Forum Thread
Fifteen Layers
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Fifteen LayersForms:
1) No swearing
2) Every witch has a familiar
3) Max of two witches
4) Ask if you want to be a stray familiar
5) Only one element to a witch
1) Fifteen Layers is NOT a real game.
2) Life witches can heal faster than normal
3) Death witches heal EVEN faster than Life witches
4) Though witch is used as female, here it's male or female
5) You may add an 'Other' to your form
6) Skilled witches, when their familiar is human, can merge.
Fifteen Layers Elements:
Fire - Your witch can not be be burnt
Water - Your witch can not drown
Life - Your witch can heal faster than normal and higher HP
Death - Your witch can heal faster than a Life wizard, and has higher HP than one
Harmony - Your witch can calm upset familiars
Chaos - Your witch will not be attacked by enemies
Species: Fox
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Appearance: An arctic fox with a Blue flower
Human Appearance: A girl with light blonde hair and a red dress
Name: Sophie
Element: Fire
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: A red head with red eyes and a dark red and orange dress.
Name: Austin
Species: Hawk
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Appearance: a black hawk with a white spot on his eye
Human Appearance: A boy with dark messy hair in leather with light green eyes
Name: Luke
Element: Harmony
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: A boy With Black hair,light blue eyes and wears leather and denim
Were walking through the forest. "Yin? Can you do a perimeter search?" The young girl asked.
Yin nodded and flew up. She saw a girl and a cat gijinka. She flew back to Alice and led the girl to them.
Winter and Raven:
Winter turned her head, hearing a twig snap. "Who's there?" she asked.
"M-My name's Alice and this is my owl Yin." Alice said.
"Nice to meet you." Winter said.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Yin nodded.
In the moments Alice looked away Winter popped a strawberry in Raven's mouth.
Yin came back and led Alice away. Winter and Raven followed her.
They stopped at a tree with a girl and a cat in it.
"Who are you?" Winter asked the girl.

Sophie-Flame get back her!!
Flame-*Runs faster*
Luke-Hey! Austin! Fly up and check around.
Austin-*Flies up and sees a girl and a fox familiar then flies down and turned human* a girl and a fox running towrds us.
Flame-*runs right into austin*
Sophie- I am so sorry! Flame give it...
Flame-*Gives her, her papers*
Sophie-Thank you.