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Diary of C.J.Phoenix(related to the RP Operation: Infection)

Forum-Index Diaries Diary of C.J.Phoenix(related to the RP Operation: Infection)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 05:03 (8 Years ago)
7:10 Dec. 11,**05

I write in my diary. Father gave it to me I so happy. My birthday is today, and Father made me a party. I wear my dress the hop my way to the door. But he not here, he has work in The Alphas. But he promise to go in my party and tommorow we will go to the Alphas. I so happy.

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 07:30 (8 Years ago)
8:27 Dec. 12, **05

It was big, it was so huge. Many people greet us as we walk then we entered to Fathers office. It was furnished well.
"Father, where are we?" I asked.
"We are in the Alpha command center base. Does it look beautiful?"
I nodded. He is browsing something.
"Father, what is that?" He looked at me.
"Princess, just stay here okay? Father has a meeting. Don't go outside."
"Yes father." Then he kissed me on the forehead and head outside after he locked the door. I grabbed Charline and Sally and I played.

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 06:58 (8 Years ago)
23:30 Dec. 24, **05

It was Christmas. I woke up and head to the living room and check the Christmas tree and count the gifts.
"Hey sweetie, your still in pajamas. Mind if you wear a dress?" Father said so I came running back at my room and wore my blue dress. I also wore my blue jacket and came running.
"Hey Jenny, be careful! You might trip." Uncle Thomas told me so I slowed down. He is carrying Laurence.
"How's he Uncle Thomas?" I asked because he got a fever this days since its cold. He gave me a thumbs up meaning yes, right? I came outside our house and I saw my friends Dave, Lester, and Kelly.
"Hey!" Dave greeted and hurled me a snow ball. I grabbed it and threw it back to him with more effort. Father taught me that.
"Whoa! Easy!" He dodge it then hurled two snow balls to Lester and Kelly.
"Lets make a snow man!" She said then she began picking up pebbles.
"Great idea!" Lester said and ran inside their house. Dave is trying to pull the twigs from the tree. I used my ember attack then he fell with the twigs in his hand.
"Hey!" He said and hurled me snow balls continuously. I took cover in a big tree and built a snow fort then grabbed a hand full of snow and hurled it to him.
"Bulls eye!" I laughed so hard when it his face.
"Ahh...its payback time!" He hurled me another.
"Hey guys quick! Lets fix snowy up." Lester said.
We are now having a feast. It was yummy. After I ate, I came rushing on the living room then look for a present for me. I found nothing then the grandfather clock struck twelve. All of our friends and neighbors( since they always celebrate in our house) rush then grabbed the gifts they are about to give. I sat sadly when I received nothing then Father appeared. He smiled to me and took out a small box. I opened it happily and saw a bracelet with a ruby in the middle!
"Merry Christmas Cj, my little princess" I hugged him and we all spent our day happily celebrating Christmas.