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Forum Thread

kyratheawsum Diary

Forum-Index Diaries kyratheawsum Diary
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 22:39 (8 Years ago)
I will post my daily life here. I will keep some boring things out or some very personal things out.

WARNING: May contain swear words and sexual content

My friends say the weirdest things.

This will contain what I have done and my thoughts on things.
Normal Gems

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 22:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: 3/15/16

Like normal I woke up around 7am and got ready for school. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, got dressed, took the dog out and went with me aunt and one of my best friends at school. First period was Science. We did this worksheet and watched a few videos for it online. Then the vice principal comes into our classroom. He said "Me, The principal and the other vice principal are going to each homeroom to explain this to all of you. You all are no longer aloud to have any electrical device in your pocket or in your book bag. From the minute you walk into your homeroom to the minute you walk out of your 9th period classroom you are not to have your phone, MP3, Ipod or anything else or you will get a phone call home, your phone taken to the main office and after-school detention. Even if you phone fell out of your bookbag or you pocket. you still will get after-school detention." Is he being serious? So no more in study hall? Lunch? Math? :,( After that went through my 2nd period, 3rd period like normal. In 4th period I found out the real reason why they would not allow phones. It was because this girl recorded a video and posted it on Facebook. I told my friend that was my partner for gym class. She said a few people said we should petition but the school would listen to us anyway. 5th period, 6th period, 7th period, 8th period and 9th period was like normal also. Nothing major important happened. After school I had Drama club. After drama I walked a mile to home and got home around 4pm and played on my laptop. I played on Ovipets and on Pokeheroes. I mostly RP on Ovipets, so come join me! But, anyway I was so happy today because I got a Golden Box from The Golden Slots and got a deal for the golden key from a friend, EmmyFalcon She is kind and nice to me. So that is it. It is 7:00pm here and I am having a good day. (Y)

Feel free to ask me questions at anytime you would like. Here or PP me dont matter :)
Normal Gems