Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokeninjas"Hello everybody,My name is Alban"He said in a Calm voice
"You didnt tell me your name,whih is it?"He asked to the piplup he knew a few seconds ago...
And then he turned his head to The mysterious figure
"Greetings,Hitmonlee sensei"He said,and Bowed back to him...
"Ooh, ooh! Can I demonstrate with two Sai please?" Blade asks.(Sai are ninja daggers with a pointed crossguard.)
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And then,after a minutes of thinking about it and looking at the roof,he finally took his desition...
"I would choose the Shurikens"Alban said"They are great for long distances battles,and help with the "surprise" factor my style of combat haves"Finally answered,sure of his decition...
Blade swings his sai in the air, then throws one squarely at a wooden target. He then does a flip in the air, spinning with the blade. He collects the other sai from the target and hands them back to the sensei.
"Very impressive!" Sensei responds.
my art!