Forum Thread
A killer in the Dark
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A killer in the DarkThe moment is gone Aqua, im too enraged to speak with anyone right now, you know Me and Kyogre would fight, but in the end, we still protected each other, in the end, we always had time for each other.... Seems ray has forgotton that....
*Lays down with Ty on the bed*
She may be Ho-Oh, but that dosent account for her attitude, that dosent cover her hatred for me, i just wanted to help her, but it seems i should of just stayed dead, it would of been better off that way.... *Starts to have tears run down his face*
Why bother? All i seem to her is a nuisance, all i am to her is a problem that gets in her way.... I may be Groudon the ruler of Land, but that dosent mean i dont have feelings and a heart too.... *Starts crying on Giras shoulder*
Aqua, if i might intervene, Ty could really use you right now, he needs someone that he can really trust right now.... Please, come and tend to your child and show to him that Ray still has a good heart...
"Gira, I can't. I would if I could. I want to, but I just can't... His house wouldn't be able to bear a water type. It hates Water types for some reason and it wouldn't let me in. Ty. Ray is just like that... She doesn't like most Pokemon. She only truly loves her daughter, and me and Crays. I'm sorry."