Forum Thread
A killer in the Dark
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A killer in the DarkI know thats the truth, but it BS that i should have to treat you better than anyone else, everyone here gets the same respect that i would show my family, because thats all we are, the people thag stand here tonight, are all that i have left, the only reason i havent ended my life, is becuase the people here gave me a reason to live....
Im sorry that if you feel like i dont show you respect, thats because i cant show you any more than i do, i would rather save a life of one that i love, then to end it with a meaning less purpose, i would rather die knowing that i was protecting You, or Ray, or Gira, i would rather pass off my life, than have yours taken away.... *Falls to his knees with tears coming from his eyes*
Ray looked at him. "Later, we'll finish this conversation. For now.. There is bad news. The Dark Waters are attacking. We'll need backup. Ty. Come on and show us your true form. You never knew, but... Well, Aqua is your mother. She once mated a Typhloision..."