Forum Thread
A killer in the Dark
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A killer in the DarkDon't think I don't know anything about this. Gira, you know that I know mnore about this. This is serious. Mewtwo is on the way, but I have put him on the wrong track. Mewtwo killed your sister. Beaua was only trying to show you the topic when she said it was your mother who killed your sis.
Go on, kill me, see what bloody happens
Ty! Tok! You two better stop fighting or im gonna whoop both your butts! Alright, Tok all we wanted was for mine and Ty's relationship to work again...
*Looks at Gira*
Really? You still want to date me, even through all the stuff that happened?
Well, me, Dark, and Eric, all wanted to enjoy a day out in the forset, and guess who shows up? Yea, that's right, the espeon, she comes out ranting about how she wanted to be alone in a public forest! After she got pissed because we ignored her, she straight up assaulted me! After that she follows us back to the house, and starts going off about how he knew who killed my sister...
So, shes angered at you because she belived that she controls the forest even though its public?