Forum Thread
A killer in the Dark
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A killer in the DarkTitle: (You can't go on like this forever.)

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33
*Grabs Beauty and Smashes her neck against a tree*
I said, we were leaving! *Lets go and hops on Four wheeler*
*Arrives a little bit after Eric*
Its a public forest! And we get kicked out from a public forest for wanting to enjoy nature?!?
*Uses phone to place a Assult Charge on Beauty*