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Evil rising

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Evil rising
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:04 (10 Years ago)
Rylie sighed, "boy, can he be serious..." She mumbled, but she recalled mightyena and brought out Azelf. She paused and looked at her hands, they were all sooty from the volcano. "Do I look dirty to you?" She asked her Pokemon. Azelf nodded and she sighed again. " well nothing I can do about it... She looked up at where reshiram was flying, "Follow him." She said to Azelf, it nodded again and the two of them were gone.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:07 (10 Years ago)
"I-I lost to you!" Talon said "I don't believe it,you aren't even worthy of Mega Evolution!" Talon said as he ran away "I'll never forgive you 'dad'!" Talon yelled while running
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:09 (10 Years ago)
Titanium saw Talon in his state of sadness and anger. Reshiram landed in front of Talon. Titanium hand signaled Talon saying, *Let me battle him. I have the power of legends by my side.* Titanium jumped off Reshiram and waited for Talon to respond.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:12 (10 Years ago)
"No,this was my battle." Talon said as he looked at Titanium "We battled,and I lost,but it is my battle not yours." Talon told him
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:14 (10 Years ago)
Rylie's azelf teleported next to reshiram, she went up to where talon and titanium where standing. "The master took titanium's voice, so he can't speak." She explained to talon. She looked over to where his dad was standing. "I don't understand... why must you beat him? He is your father, after all." She asked talon.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:15 (10 Years ago)
Titanium read Talon's Dad's aura. *he wants me to battle.* Titanium signaled, pulling out a pokeball, waiting for the father to make the first move.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:17 (10 Years ago)
"You don't get,do you? He,first of all is a admin of Team Shadow,second of all HE killed my grand father,Ethan." Talon said "This was my battle,he already beat me,I'm hopeless!" Talon yelled "Titanium don't! Still you battle him,later on I'll fight him!" Talon said as he had Ferligatr's poke ball in his hand
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:20 (10 Years ago)
*All the more reason to end this.* Titanium signaled as his Reshiram stepped up beside him. *I'm going to finish this NOW* He signaled, waiting for the Father to release his pokemon.

(What is the guy's name anyway?)

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:22 (10 Years ago)
(name,eh.Jerome? yea Jerome)

"Fine,I'll leave you battling Jerome. You're no longer my father! You hear me Jerome,well you better." Talon said flying away on Pidgeot
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:24 (10 Years ago)

Title: ???????

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:25 (10 Years ago)
(Don't post unless it is a registration koukounaar)

Titanium let out Lucario. *Make your move Jerome* he signaled, waiting for Jerome to let out his first pokemon.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:26 (10 Years ago)
Rylie sighed, "You never can resist a good battle, no matter what you claim to be doing it for." She sat down and watched talon fly away. "I think I'll watch this battle." She said, amused. "If talon couldn't beat him who says you can? I don't mean to be rude but i know only one person who has beat a team shadow admin. And that person was Red."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:27 (10 Years ago)
Jerome sent out a Garchomp "Okay,so you're one of Talon's 'friends'!" Jerome told him "Garchomp go! Earthquake now!" Jerome commanded Garchomp to do
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:31 (10 Years ago)
Lucario jumped off the ground and used aura sphere. *Don't think you can beat me and my team with just moves. Dragon pulse!* Titanium signaled, Lucario did so and landed a critical hit.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:34 (10 Years ago)
Garchomp return! Go,Rapidash!" Jerome said as he sent out Rapidash "Going flame charge!" Jerome commanded and Rapidash did so hitting Lucario hard
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:36 (10 Years ago)
*Lucario! Aura sphere!* Titanium signaled lucario. It did so and landed the attack right on Rapidash's face.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:37 (10 Years ago)
"Rapidash Flare biltz now!" Jerome commanded Rapidash,and it did hitting lucario with a critical hit
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:41 (10 Years ago)
Titanium release Zoroark. *Foul play!* he signaled. His zoroark doing a massive amount of damage.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:42 (10 Years ago)
"Go,heracross! Use Brick Break" Jerome commanded Heracross to do,Heracross did
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sat, 12/04/2014 14:45 (10 Years ago)
Zoroark dodged it and used swift. It hit directly causing severe damage. *I won't lose!* Titanium signaled, a determined look in his eyes.

If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas