jackson sighed and rubbed his forehead.
''now can me and uraza have some time alone...?'' he
uraza nodded and looked down at wicked.
''you're parent's and i were stuck on a boat ride we never meant to
board...'' she muttered.
blitz pinned her ear's back and looked at cocoa.
''sweetheart.. please don't cry....'' he mumbled, nuzzling her
cheek to try and cheer her up.
viola stopped and sat on the ledge of a walkway, covering her face
and crying quietly.
uraza screamed and blocked their attack's with her own.
jackson grabbed her and started to sprint away from the beedrill,
uraza dropping the weedle so they didn't follow.
''cocoa it's just wicked!'' blitz yelped, trying to calm her down
viola looked at queeny in confusion and blinked.
''half....? why half..?'' she asked out of curiosity.
Queeny shrugs "Why not? Lets you keep the full looks of a girl. You
can call yourself genderless with it and 2 genderless things dating
does not make them gay.".
Wicked disappears then reappears. he runs right into Jackson. his
right eye is red. it is clear Cocoa had clawed it. Wicked smiles
"Hey jackson! you look strange only being seen by one eye.".
jackson looked at wicked and blinked.
''what happened...?'' he asked, turning back to uraza to continue
bandaging her wound's.
uraza was sniffling while holding her arm out.
''stupid beedrill....'' she grumbled.
she looked at it hesitantly and lifted it up to her mouth, gulping
it down and gagging slightly.
''what's in this stuff...?!'' she asked, coughing a bit while
looking at the bottle.