Ha, a bit cold suicoon?
*startes heading towards house*
Dont worry when we get there i'll whip up some Hot Chocolate, for
now just keep near me
*Ignites flame in back*
Well... its not going to be that simple to get the soul, but if we
do, all we need to do is some ritual, and then you should be able
to have pidgeotto back, but it will take some time for its memories
to return
Anyways, The Cocoas ready, lets get you both warmed up
"I mean, I know it wouldn't be that easy, I just need to know if
she is required" she checks the PC, seeing that she wasn't looking
very well. she still had those... eyes... and the grin too "Yea,
let's go get some of that cocoa." she caught one last glance at the
pidgeotto as she left, and she didn't look very happu.
I never change this
click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
"No matter what. she needs it... I feel like she's shattered
because of it. She could still be possessed, I can see she still
looks like it." she sighed, as suicoon sneezed again
I never change this
click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
*Laughs at suicoon*
Trust me Mekayla, we will return pidgeotto to her original state,
the ritual will defeate the spritit possessing her, and banish it
back to the underworld
Now, drink your cocoa, i made it just the way you like it
*gives suicoon a bowl of hot cocoa*
*Starts laughing even harder*
Its called hot cocoa for a reason, anyways, lets fix that snout
*Reaches into bag, pulls put a container of Rawst berry cream, amd
rubs it on Suicoon*
As Mekayla goes to sleep, her flash backs come back even stronger,
this time the illusion of pidgeotto speaks to her...
*voice of pidgeotto*
Where are you mekayla, why have you abandoned me....