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"Which pack are you in?" wolf rp
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Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:01 (9 Years ago)
"How was I like. I am seeing myself in an icy cave that was neither
hot or cold. You were there. I feel my memories returning. Part of
me feels like I love you." Bone said to Frost shaking his head
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:05 (9 Years ago)
"If you remember we were going to start a new pack." Frost said
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:10 (9 Years ago)
"A new pack...a new....that's right. It was going to be a mix
breed. Fire and Ice combined with Water. The ultimate wolf." Bone
said remembering the idea of the ultimate wolf, "Part God, and part
mortal. It was to make the gods, and wolves trust each other."
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:12 (9 Years ago)
"Well? how about it? Would you come back with me and help the gods
trust the normal wolves?" Frost asked
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:15 (9 Years ago)
"I agree, but I have a question. Two actually. First, why do I hate
Dusk and Raven?" Bone asked.
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:17 (9 Years ago)
"Well Raven tried to kill you and Dusk... well... I don't know."
Frost said
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:19 (9 Years ago)
"That's right, she did, however her mother and you cast protective
spells on me so Raven can never harm me with magic." Bone replied
remembering how Raven tried to drown him, "Second question, what
will happen to Savannah?"
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:31 (9 Years ago)
"I'm not sure." Frost said
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:32 (9 Years ago)
"Fine, I'll tell her so long." Bone responded walking back to the
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:33 (9 Years ago)
Savannah was starting to fall back asleep when she noticed bone
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:36 (9 Years ago)
"Well, I must dash. I'll check up on you regularly though." Bone
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:38 (9 Years ago)
'Alright' savannah said and yawned
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:39 (9 Years ago)
Bone left and found Frost. "Ready to go."
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:40 (9 Years ago)
Frost nodded
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 22:41 (9 Years ago)
Savannah closed her eyes to go to sleep
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 23:11 (9 Years ago)
"Where to Ms.Frost?" Bone asked.
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 23:12 (9 Years ago)
"The cave of course." Frost said
Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 23:13 (9 Years ago)
"I don't remember where its." Bone responded.
He is my buddy Adam.
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 23:13 (9 Years ago)
Not able to sleep savannah sighed and went to the lake to drink
some water
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2016 23:16 (9 Years ago)
"Follow me." Frost said