Fenris tried to hold back a laugh. "Well then, I'm sure I destroyed
that root like nobody's business." He chuckled, slightly
embarrassed. "Let's find ourselves a real bear."
Bone was gathering spare roots. He found three paralysis, four
poison, and nine searing roots. Not his most impressive haul but
still good enough for him.
"I found extra roots." Bone said rushing up to Savannah, and then
his eyes widened as he saw another unknown root. He questioned if
he should eat it or not.
Bone bit into the root and his eyes widened in surprise at the
sweet taste. He felt like all his cares were gone and that he could
run for miles. bone realized he was shaking with energy.
"These roots were new. They a providing me lots of energy. I'll go
leave everything at the cave and meet you back." Bone said in a
quick slur before running off.
"True my body is bursting with energy. I'll meet you at the cave."
Bone replied running off. He took four of the deer back with his
energy. right when he was about to leave the cave he fell over and