Forum Thread
Dragon_Master's Pawn shop [Closed]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Dragon_Master's Pawn shop [Closed]![](
1.All Pokehero Rules Apply.
2.Please keep all deals with in this thread, meaning do NOT pal pad me. We will be using the Trusted Trade thread to avoid Scammers. If Delibird Item delivery is used, please send your payment first also any item you buy, please write it in the Delibird message box.(Ex. x45 Grass Gems, x1 Red Key) Prices are subject to change. Do not Rush me. Also do not send me payment until I ask for it. Update 1/26/16: Order's via Palpad are NOT Accepted and will be ignored!
3.Do not beg for Items that are NOT listed!
4.Payment method can be in PD & Nuggets.
5.If you choose to come back and buy something else, please do not double post.
6.Use the given order form. Please put the password Druddigon to show you have read the rules. Password is Subject to change. I shouldn't have to constantly repeat myself. (to make sure your Reading)
7.The shop will stock will be updated once every week.
8.I Do buy items as well so if your looking to sell something post here. I have all rights to deny buying your item. If I decline to buy it, DO NOT pressure me into doing so.
9.This applies to boxes and Keys only. I will place 10 of each color up for sale at least once a month. This will be at random times. (excluding Gold boxes)
10.If failure to read the rules Warnings will be given.
Hi Dragon_Master I'd like to buy:
I'll pay in : (PD or Nuggets )
How many I'd like to Buy:
I'll pay in : (PD or Nuggets )
How many I'd like to Buy:
PokeBalls x100 100 PD each
Great Balls x0 300 PD each
Ultra Balls x0 600 PD each
Bug Gem x0 500 PD each
Electric Gem x0 500 PD each
Flying Gem x0 500 PD each
Grass gem x0 500 PD each
Ground gem x0 500 PD each
Normal Gem x0 1000 PD each
Rock Gem x0 500 PD each
Water Gem x0 500 PD each
Dark Gem x1 500 PD each
Fire Gem x0 500 PD each
Ice Gem x0 500 PD each
Steel Gem x0 500 PD each
Ghost Gem x0 500 PD each
Fighting Gem x0 500 PD each
Armor Fossil x0 17 PD Each
Claw Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Jaw Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Skull Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Plume Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Dome Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Cover Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Old Amber Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Sail Fossil x0 17K PD Each
Metal Coat x1 2K PD Each
Weather Balloon x0 12K PD Each
Spray Duck x6 1K PD Each
Lawnmower x0 50K PD Each
Microwave x0 50K PD Each
Deep sea tooth x0 2K PD Each
Dragon Scale x1 2K PD Each
deep sea scale x0 1,500k PD Each
Prism Scale x1 10K PD Each
Enigma Pearl x0 180K PD Each
Blue orb x1 160K PD Each
Red orb x0 160K PD Each
Antidote x0
Awakening x0
Berry Juice x0
Biscuit x0
Burn Heal x0
Ice Heal x0
Paralyze Heal x0
Kelpsy Soda x0
Pomeg Soda x0
Razz Shake x0
Bluk Shake x0
Nanab Shake x0
Wepear Shake x0
Pinap Shake x0
Qualot Soda x0
Hondew Soda x0
Grepa Soda x0
Cornn Lemonade x0
Magost Lemonade x0
Rabuta Lemonade x0
Sour Galette x0
Sweet Galette x0
Lava Cookie x0
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Box (Green) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Box (Purple) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Box (Red) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Box (Gold) x0 15K PD Each
Mystery Box (Brown) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Box (Light Blue) x0 10K PD Each
Mystery Key (Brown) x0 9K PD Each
Mystery Key (Pink) x0 9K PD Each
Mystery Key (Green) x0 9k PD Each
Mystery Key (Purple) x0 9K PD Each
Mystery Key (Light Blue) x0 9K PD Each
Mystery Key (Gold) x0 12K PD Each
Carbos x0 2,500 PD Each
Calcium x1 2,500 PD Each
Iron x1 2,500 PD Each
Zinc x1 2,500 PD Each
HP Up x2 2,500 PD Each
Rare Candy x0 3K PD Each
Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Title: WolfStorm's Shop
Bug Gem x23 500 PD each
Poison Gem x16 500 PD each
Water Gem x18 500 PD each
Psychic x4 500 PD each
Flying Gem x4 500 PD each
Grass Gem x3 500 PD each
Ground Gem x9 500 PD each
Normal Gem x17 1K PD each
Rock Gem x16 500 PD each
Water Gem x3 500 PD each
Steel Gem x9 500 PD each
Electric Gem x3 500 PD each
Fighting Gem x24 500 PD each
Dark Gem x15 500 PD each
Fire Gem x3 500 PD each
Ghost Gem x3 500 PD each
Ice Gem x5 500 PD each
Dragon Gem x4 60K PD each
Jaw fossil x1 20K PD
Lawnmower x0 50K PD each
Razor Claw x0 -- 1,500 PD each
Dragon Scale x0 -- 3,000 PD each
Weather Balloon x1 12K PD
Spray duck x1 1,500 PD
Honey x0 75 PD each
Lemonade x0 500 PD each
Soda Pop x0 500 PD each
Moomoo Milk x0 500 PD each
Mystery Box (Green) x0 8K PD each
Mystery Box (Pink) x0 8K PD each
Mystery Box (Purple) x0 8K PD each
Mystery Box (Red) x0 8K PD each
Mystery Key (Dark Blue) x0 9K PD each
Mystery Key (Light Blue) x0 9K PD each
Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Can I buy your Grass, Ground, Dark and Fire gems? That would be 249,750
Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING