Forum Thread
Pony's Thoughts and Goals
Forum-Index → Diaries → Pony's Thoughts and GoalsHallo!
This is my diary owo but you knew that.
Guess I made this diary
But, here's an extension on my About Me:
State: NSW
Favourite Pokemon: Pichu, Ponyta, Cyndaqill.
Favourite Game: Pokemon X, Animal Crossing NL.
Favourite Animal: Cats <3
Hobby: Computers and.. art, I guess.
But anyways, I'll be posting my stuff here, now and then, so if you're interested in reading my daily life, then feel free to. Like, that's what diaries are made for, riiiiighht??

So today I found Nappy on the Honey
Tree on Route 64. I used most my ultra balls, and he didn't get
captured. But the real reason isn't my luck, it's probably because
my party was full lol
The same thing happend to me in the Tall Grass; I choose the right patch and my party is full. This is soooo frustrating!
The same thing happend to me in the Tall Grass; I choose the right patch and my party is full. This is soooo frustrating!
Whether you read that or not, I sure have bad luck or am really really dumb...
(10 minutes later)
By Badges Report - 58 Seconds ago.
You obtained a new badge (Playing it safe)!
Later Today...
By Badges Report - 3 Minutes and 20 Seconds ago.
You obtained a new badge (Mysterious area)!
Then I wonder I've never gotten an Eevee before.
The MOST COMMON Pokemon is the one I don't have. Omigod.

I've been looking for this thing for a long time. Finally!
Timid was probably too timid to come to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bad jokes aside, today was a rough day.. weatherwise. First it was super-sunny. i live in australia so it's summer.
Then it rained. Then it was hot again.
Now it's windy.
This is crazy. And, on PH, I'm starting to hope my eggs don't hatch.
I'm on a Fletchling hunt, and my box is full. I don't wanna get a new one, because I'm hoarding PD.
I can't expand it, because that's extremely expensive. So I started storing Fletchling in the Unova/Kalos box. Now that's getting crowded.
Hope I hatch a shiny Fletch soon ;-;
But, overall, today has been a good day. Yaawnn... I'm going to sleep.
UPDATE: I was just about to go to sleep and...
That happened.

Someone must've read my post, because my last Fletchling filled up the last available box XD
Wow. WTF. GG. Oh My Gob. Holy Pony. Surprised Patrick. WTFG.
Best. Day. Ever.
Today Timid hatched. Yay! :3
One other thing I sorta need is a mega stone for Flail (my Pidgeot). I'd had Flail Pokemon for "9 Months" and I'd been registered for.. well, for 9 months. I've been waiting this long for a mega stone...! But now, since I'm an "experienced" player, I'm rich, topped up on shinys and have a decent amount of nuggets I'm sure to get a mega stone.
On further note... my berry market is a huge success! Like, since it's so cheap, everyone goes there! Best part is: I sell MooMooMilk and Honey!
Unlike berries, they are easy to farm and everyone can buy them. Like, so you're selling level 100 Chesto Berries. Not many people have lv 100 berries, so you can't sell them to many people.
But, you don't need to have high Gardener level to buy milk or honey.
Unfortunately, they sell out too quickly and I can only restock 4 times a day.
Yawn. This is basically my daily routine~
Every day at 6.30AM I play Minecraft with my friend. I don't like packed servers because they lag my computer. I'm fine with private servers. But
"Let's play the super popular servers," is my worst nightmare. Even when we play on a private server, this is what the usual routine is:

Friend: Hey, Kat, I made you an OP!
Me: Great! Thanks! //hops into creative
Friend: I'm going to build an automatic cactus farm!
Me: Cool. I'm going to build a base with tons of cats!
Me: it's so quiet ;-;
Friend: Look at this, Kat!
Me: Nice ^^ Do you like my awesome super detailed base?
Friend: Yup~ My base uses commands to get in!
//strange silence
Me: I'm going to build an underground base!
Friend: //towers up I'm going to build a sky base! ^^
//continues building
Me: //sees flying tnt Haha! That just missed my base!
Friend: //drops tnt directly above my base
Me: WTF //rebuilds hole
Friend: //fires 80 stacks of tnt above my base
Me: ....i didn't mean an underground base like that...
Friend: //flies down
Me: Erm.. I'll build my base somewhere else, it's okay. //freaks out
Friend: //bans himselve
Me: Why did you ban yourself?
Friend: Lol
But, anyways, it was fun. This is sorta more of the "log" side of things.
We moved onto a more popular server. Then my laptop shut down.
How ironic.
But anyways, I just wanted to share that with you guys ;)

Wow, didn't even know I got it XD
I'm 3 badges away until I complete my 3rd set ;)
On a non-Pokeheroes note, It's the last day of the holidays ;v; I'm getting my bag and clothes ready in advance. But unfortunately I got my first pimple over the holidays. I've gotta say, puberty SUCKS. Don't wanna be a teenager yet. Erm, yeah, I'm around 10 - 12 years old. I don't want to give out my exact age because then you guys will freak out over how young I am.
But, really, this diary doesn't get that many clicks. And the
people who clicked, they belong in three groups:
Me, Reader, Misclicks
I make up half the clicks. Readers only take up a quarter of clicks. Same goes with misclicks.
Misclicks don't even read anything, and I come here to post. 1 quarter of the pageviews actually read something. Woah. Not a lot, heh?
Anyways, I have to go to sleep in 2 hours, since I'm paranoid about school stuff even though it's still 8:00PM (or 20:00 for all you people who use easy 24 hour time).
Till the next entry!
So, anyways, they decided our classes at school a week ago. I got put in a composite 5-6 class. Just to let you know I'm year 5 ;-;
Actually, on the first day of school our teacher made us do maths. Luckily I knew my tables, since we had to fill out a multiplication chart. I even finished it before most year sixes! [/brag]
Memorizing the names of all the year sixes is soooo hard! I sorta wish that I didn't need to know them, but I guess sooner or later I'll have to mention them to the teacher. This actually happened last year, where it was a 3-4 class. I ended up being good friends with the year threes. Hope the same thing will happen this year <3
But anyways, till the next entry!

I'm going back to lab hunting owo
I named my shiny Gastly Gas Bubble.
That's what it looks like to me, anyways.
Nice, huh? Shiny Gastly looks really cool with the light and dark colors clashing.
I think
Anyways, Gas bubble is a girl, so that means all of my* shiny Pokemon are female. That's interesting. I have a thing with girl Pokemon.
*not counting traded pokemon
Also, here's a quote from the professor:

Oh, hi
I see you recently hatched a special colored Gastly! That is pretty cool, congratulations.
You must be really proud of it! You should always keep such shiny hatches in your Party or in a special Storage Box.
I once found a shiny Aipom at the Honeytree on Route 53 and sold it at the Auction House. Man, that was dumb! I totally regret it now - but back then I guessed the Pokémon was just sick because it had this weird pink skin color.
I see you recently hatched a special colored Gastly! That is pretty cool, congratulations.
You must be really proud of it! You should always keep such shiny hatches in your Party or in a special Storage Box.
I once found a shiny Aipom at the Honeytree on Route 53 and sold it at the Auction House. Man, that was dumb! I totally regret it now - but back then I guessed the Pokémon was just sick because it had this weird pink skin color.
Until next entry! =^.^=
Today my friend Zaide is leaving to Tasmania. We'll still be in touch, because we both have G-Mail. And.. another one of my close friends also has G-Mail, so it'll be fun.
Anyways, the people in his class last year came together and made a card. It looked sorta crappy, but from a kid's perspective it looked neat. :p We wrote a message that read:

"Dear Zaide,
Hope you had a good time
in the mainland of
Jackson, Natsumi, Catlin,
Katrina, Mikayla, Fletcher and Lachlan."
Hope you had a good time
in the mainland of
Jackson, Natsumi, Catlin,
Katrina, Mikayla, Fletcher and Lachlan."
Well, that was long winded. :p Below we wrote some farewell messages to him. Most people wrote some really long stuff, but I just said,
"Bye bro
In the end he seemed to like it. We were really relieved he didn't hate it, because we basically spend the whole lunch working on it. Phew.
PH Stuff
Anyways, on PH I made a new Stylish code!
Neat, huh?
And also, yesterday I got a Kyurem and an event egg! Woohoo!
Until next entry!
Wow! I just wanna start today with some milestones.
I reached TP 24 today! ^^ Yay! (not gonna dwell on that for too long)
And, also, my Pickle leveled up so fast today. Just look!

And, also, my daily stats are super high!

It might not seem like a lot, but in my standards it's amazing XD
I've also filled in some Pokedex slots today and I've edited my about me.
Basicly, a very successful day.
Real Life
I've been listening to "Great Day" [Here] . It's a really funny song and I've been using it as a thing to make me not bored when I'm clicking.
Also, I'm planning to get a guinea pig. As much as I want a cat
And, I wanted a guinea pig because.. hamsters are lame, man! Fish.. I've already witnessed a death of one, so not too crazy here.
Hope our landlord allows it.
Till next entry!
Today the Dream Level's being a troll .-.

I'm planning to do a Pichu hunt, but it has to be postponed because I "accidentally" adopted a rare egg at the lab ;-; Those eggs take the longest to hatch.
Today I convinced a long time friend of mine to try Pokeheroes. I honestly think he'll find it boring, but whatever. It's worth a try. :p I thought it would be a good communication method because we can palpad, PM etc.
Also, my TL is still 24, but soon it will be 25, since I'm so close to leveling. Ahaha, more daily rewards >:)
Welp, till next entry!
Hunt started: 02/03/2016

Chain: 123
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)
I know I sorta forgot to announce this shiny hunt, but might as well do it right now! 'ouo
On another non-shiny hunt note, I added a picture to my about me! This is how it looks like:
I've been pranking others real hard with my signature. I put a fake easter egg in it, and people are actually falling for it! This must be my number one pranking achievement. This is how my current signature looks:
Until next entry!
I was reading a webpage, but then I thought about PH. So here I am!
Regarding the last post, you know that "pranking achievement"? I actually kinda got in trouble from it XP #prankshurt
Anyways, that was.. wait. 9 MONTHS AGO?! WHAA?!!
So I'm now in Slovakia, a country in Europe. I don't really know why I'm on PH. I should be enjoying my vacation :P Anyways, I kinda have a problem. They speak flippin' Slovak. I'm learning though. "Ya som" means "I am". "Co" (pronounched CHoh), "Ahoj" and "Anglichina" mean what, hello and english.
That's all I know.
I'm going home tommorow, back to Australia. The flight's going to take 20~ hrs so while me and my dad (yes, im too young to travel on my own. in 7 years i can ;-;) went to the UK to vist my (mildly annoying) cousin, we brought a book for me to read while on the flight. I finished the book today.
And to make matters even worse, I adopted around 3 eggs from the lab. Hope they're all Pichu!
This year is off to a good start!
Anyways, I hope yours will be better than mine! Til
There's a premium option which allows the Pokemon on the banner to be shiny, but it costs 100 nuggets and I'm a cheapskate sooo
I'm also doing a Pidgey hunt, so I hope I'll get at least some shinies. I'm not really into filling out my shiny dex, so I'll probably auction them off or sell them for nuggets.

And I was always thinking..
It would be kinda weird auctioning a Pokemon. Think about it. Imagine that you're a Pokemon. Your owner has put you in a weird place, and says nothing. They might give you an item, but only sometimes. And rarely, you get put on a big stage where everyone entering sees you.
Two hours later you're picked up by a stranger who keeps you in a box with Pokemon you don't recognize. Now that you see it in that weird light, I.. I think I'll keep the Pidgeys.
I really hope I don't break my chain, like last time. Ugh. Always keep a footnote near.
So in real life (IRL), I'm kinda adjusting to jetlag. Actually, scratch that. I'm not. Australia's a nice place to live and all, but when half of you family live in Europe, jetlag sucks. Glad Mum's from Philippines!
So, more on jetlag. I went to sleep at ~6PM (18:00 for 24hr time), and I haven't went to sleep yet. It's 12PM here. (12:00).
And school's in around 7 days. Ughhhhhhh!! Help!
Till next entry!