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Total Drama Dimensional

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Total Drama Dimensional
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 00:55 (9 Years ago)
At first I wasn't going to do this. The thing is the poll that I started for it wasn't going well, but I have enough planned to write up a quick introduction to what this idea is going to be about. Before we go into it I'm going to say one thing. This is going to include characters from not just the Total Drama series, but also it's spin off The Ridonculous Race . The plot/idea is more Total Drama , however.


First off the reason this is called Total Drama Dimensional is because, like my other ideas, it's going to be...a mega crossover. The difference is that it's not just a save all worlds plot, but a reality show as well. It'll be done a lot differently then the real game since everyone will be needed so no one is going to be voted off, but there will be winners and losers. There is a more serious situation hidden behind the challenges.

Now on to how teams are going to be formed. Like with Total Drama World Tour this is going to have three teams. There will be fifty three contestants plus two original characters, who take the role of the host (Sapphire) and co-host (Ruby, her sister). They know about what threatens all worlds and decided that everyone needed to know and what better way to tell the worlds then a reality show. The three teams are going to be known as the Fire Team, Water Team, and Grass Team. They are named after Pokémon types if you don't know. I randomly formed the teams and I sort of like what came up:

~ Fire Team ~
1 Alejandro
2 Brick
3 Cody
4 Dave
5 Ella
6 Gwen
7 Izzy
8 Justin
9 Max
10 Sam
11 Scott
12 Sky
13 Tyler
14 Carrie
15 Brody
16 Kitty
17 Eva
18 Lightning

~ Water Team ~
19 Amy
20 Bridgette
21 Courtney
22 Dawn
23 Ezekiel (returned to normal after what happened to him in World Tour)
24 Harold
25 Jasmine
26 Leshawna
27 Mike
28 Samey
29 Sierra
30 Topher
31 Zoey
32 Josee
33 Taylor
34 Junior
35 Katie
36 Crimson

~ Grass Team ~
37 Beth
38 Cameron
39 Dakota (Returned to normal after what happened to her in Revenge of the Island)
40 Duncan
41 Geoff
42 Heather
43 Jo
44 Lindsay
45 Noah
46 Scarlett
47 Shawn
48 Trent
49 Devin
50 Jacques
51 Emma
52 Lorenzo
53 Sadie

That's how the teams came out when I set them up in a notebook. Yeah I went in a pattern from the names I had written down, but it's easier that way. Anyway, this is going to be my main project now. It's going to be nothing like my other stories since there will be a lot more to this. I hope this has readers. I don't want to go into the first chapter without anyone reading. I'll see you then and if you have any comments don't put them here . Contact me on pal pad or PM. I'll see you with the first chapter.


Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 13:27 (9 Years ago)
I've thought a lot on how this is going to go and it's going to be a lot different then the Total Drama series as a whole. There will be a plot that has nothing to do with the game at all, but a game is still being played. I'm not going to spend all my time on these before story notes. As before I'm going to be adding to this so the whole chapter won't be posted in one go. Let's begin.

Chapter 1

Two people were standing within a seemingly abandoned warehouse somewhere in a world that was one of many. As the two stood looking towards a portal swirling with bright lights of pure energy one of them, a young woman with mid-back length red hair spoke, "Are you sure this is a good idea, Sapphire?" she asked her companion. "Using Organization Omega's take over attempts as part of a reality television show isn't what we discussed before they resurfaced."

Sapphire looked towards her sister. She had bright blue hair and blue eyes, that matched her name well, and, like her sister, was wearing a black uniform, which marked them as a defense force that protected all worlds and dimensions, "Listen, Ruby, this is something that I've always wanted to do. You know that I've always wanted to create my own reality show about world travel. Why not take out two duties at the same time? This could be an interesting way to take down Organization Omega."

"Okay," Ruby sighed. "We're do it your way."

Knowing her sister was on her side now Sapphire turned towards the camera, ready to begin, "Hello and welcome to what could be the most original television show out there. This is Total Drama Dimensional based on and starring a lot, but not all of those famous contestants from the famous Total Drama series as well as it's spin off The Ridonculous Race . We've picked fifty three of these contestants and broken them up into three teams, which will be named after three Pokémon types I might add. In a few minutes our challengers will step through this portal, entering the realm between all worlds. This is where their adventure to save all worlds will begin, but the only thing different then other world saving adventures is that there will be challenges along the way and all this will be seen on live television."

"I still think this is going to be a bad idea," Ruby said.

"Enough, Ruby," Sapphire said. "We're on live television remember and you don't want me to replace you with Emerald. She's always wanted the role of co-host, but I decided to give you the role because you've been working on background projects for a long time. It's time you moved on to more important roles."

"It's not like Emerald's not going to have anything to do with this," Ruby continued. "She's going to be here as well so it doesn't matter if I'm co-host or not."

Sapphire ignored this and continued speaking to those watching from home, "As I was saying we're going to meet with our contestants soon and when they do the show will officially begin. As with others of it's kind this show is going to have a confessional where our challengers can speak what's on their minds."

Ruby : I wish I wasn't part of this...

As Sapphire was speaking a small beeping noise came from the portal and the symbol of a flame appeared on it. Sapphire noticed this and explained, "As I mentioned before our three teams are going to be named after three Pokémon types. They will be coming here in order by team and it appears that the Fire Team is first."

Right after she said this someone was shot out of the portal and landed hard on the ground. Since Sapphire already introduced the coming of the first team Ruby took charge and walked over to where the first of the contestants was getting up, "Didn't know you were going to be brought into another show right after All-Star, right Alejandro?"

" This is another show," Alejandro said, looking around. "No one contacted us to do another season?"

The portal glowed again and shot out the next contestant on the Fire Team, Brick. It seemed he was close enough to the end of the portal's tunnel since he had obviously heard what had been said, "There's going to be another ..." but he didn't finish as both Cody and Dave came out of the portal together, knocking Brick to the ground.

"What's this talk about another season?" Dave asked.

"Don't ask me," Cody said, getting up. He looked towards the Pahkitew Island contestant and added. "When did your hair grow back?" He hadn't been on Dave's season, but he had watched it.

"Exposure from the portal's energy," Sapphire replied. "There may be more of these little surprises coming so just wait."

"Did the show get a new host and co-host without us knowing?" Brick asked, also getting back up.

"We're going to explain everything once everyone gets here," Ruby said, still not wanting to do this, but the presence of these people was beginning to change her mind. "This isn't going to be like any other show you've ever been on."

"And what's a season of Total Drama without music?" Sapphire broke in.

Before anyone could ask what she meant Ella came shooting out of the portal. Instead of falling to the ground like the others she was carried down by her bird friends, who had appeared out of no where. It makes sense...kind of.

"You're not going to have her sing every second of the show, are you?" Ruby asked Sapphire.

"Only when asked," Sapphire told her. "Before she was sent through the portal we had our helpers from their world put a special bracelet on her so if she tries singing without being told then the experience will be shocking."

The next member of the Fire Team, Gwen, was the next to shoot out of the portal. She was quickly followed by Izzy, who, like Cody's and Dave's entrances, slammed into Gwen just when she was getting up.

"Glad you weren't knocked over by another contestant again?" Ruby asked Brick.

"I'm glad I wasn't hit by Izzy," Brick replied.

Izzy got off of Gwen and looked around, "This is a cool looking place," she said, looking around, a crazy grin on her face. "Is this going to be one of those shows where you're kept in an abandoned warehouse and you have to outlast the others? Or...be... killed off...for real."

"Not quite," Ruby told the crazy girl.

"Who would want to spend a whole season within an abandoned warehouse?" Gwen walked over to stand with the others of her team. "Let's just get this over with."

Justin was the next to arrive, but he didn't get anything out as Max came out of the portal. He was shot out at a faster speed then the others, which caused the wanna-be villain into the far wall, knocking him out.

"Are we going to leave him like that?" Ruby asked Sapphire.

"He'll wake up eventually," Sapphire replied.

Sam and Scott were next. Scott came out of the portal first with Sam shooting right after the dirt farmer, landing right on top of him. Scott shoved the gamer off of him, "Next time we are pushed through a portal you're going first ."

Sky was the next to appear from the portal, but even if she came shooting out of it very fast she was able to catch herself and landed on her feet in the middle of the room. Tyler, who was next wasn't so lucky and he landed face first on the ground right in front of Sky, who starred at him before shrugging and walking off to stand with the others.

Carrie came out of the portal at a slower speed, but it was still fast enough to cause her to stumble a little when she exited. Also coming from the portal from the Total Drama spin off were Brody and Kitty. Both of them were almost knocked out when Eva came out after them, obvious pissed at being dragged into another season of a show she wanted nothing more to do with.

"Who's idea was this!?" she demanded.

"I assure you that there is an important reason that we're doing this," Sapphire told her.

"Well, you better explain it soon," Eva said and went to stand with the others.

Once the last member of the Fire Team, Lightning, came out of the portal the flame symbol on the portal shimmered out and the portal was just a blanked spinning vortex of energy again only for a new symbol, this one a water drop, to appear.

(That's all for now. When I return I'm going to be continuing with the second team. I told you these chapters are going to be longer then they normally were with my other stories. That's what will make these a lot more fun to write. Longer chapters.)