Heeyy! Pretty new at this, but i've been a pokemon fan for some
time, so i'm hoping i can get into this game decently, it seems
like a fun little time-passer!
So i think i already made one of these, but the tutorial says
otherwise! I am salem, i've been playing pokemon games for a very
long time, my favorite pokemon are in this order Absol, Hydreigon,
and Poochyena cuz he's adorable. I hope to get a decent ways into
this game cuz it seems like a fun little clicker game from what
i've seen so far, hope everyone had a great holiday!
Hello, I'm Elskamo. I'm pretty new to Pokeheroes and I was a little
late jumping onto the Pokemon bandwagon but I'm really starting to
get into it now.
Hi! I'm Ari and Piplup is my favorite starter. Can't believe I
actually got one! I'm super friendly and would love to make new
friends! Wish you all the best!