Forum Thread
MoonClan ( Open & Accepting )
Forum-Index → Roleplay → MoonClan ( Open & Accepting )Blackstorm watched his apprentice pad off. He decided that for the hunting patrol, he could take Leopardclaw, Tigerpelt, and maybe Flamepaw. He opened his jaws to call the cats when he saw Mistystream exiting the Nursery. "Hey, Blackstorm! Can I join your patrol?" she asked. The mostly black-furred tom nodded, watching his littermate race over to him.
That name isn't acceptable in the Warriors Series, nor in my rp, could you please change it? sorry, everything else is ok, including HumbleKit, but could you please add a description to him? Maybe just even a color or breed? Or a simple trait or personality? Sorry lol, I like to know what everyone looks like so i can visualize scenes in my head (,:
OwlStar nodded anxiously at the two apprentices and mewed, "Greetings, take a seat." Owlstar relaxed a bit as Shypaw smiled at him faintly. He continued, "Shypaw, Silverpaw. I um.." The old tabby leader was stuttering and his gaze rested on Flamepaw in the distance and was about to speak. (Shy or silver can interupt now ,':J )
Ivymoon smiled faintly and padded out of camp with Fawnpelt, and shifted her gaze toward the direction of the twoleg garden. "It's this way." the medicine cat said softly, then continued on. Fawnpelt is being very nice to me today. I've never really talked to her before, but I always see her bringing back mouthfuls of prey. She is a very talented cat, I can't believe she doesn't have a mate yet- Ivymoon snapped out of her trance to smell a familiar smell. Familiar in a bad way..
Foxfur farts gleefully


”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
(If anyone wants to join in the the foxfight, you can be on a "border or hunting patrol")
Ivymoon said in her soft voice, "Foxes.." Ivymoon waited for Fawnpelt to speak, but then meowed frantically,"They're really close, we have no time to get help, unless there is a border patrol, or one of us is going to leave the other to get more cats, we have to fight."

Blackstorm called to the cats who he wanted on his patrol. "Leopardclaw, Tigerpelt, Flamepaw! Do you want to come join my patrol?" he asked, while Mistystream, his littermate, purred with amusement. "You silly furball. I bet they might already be coming to you," she meowed, waiting for the three cats' reply.
Shypaw and Silverpaw glanced at each other, concern in their eyes. "Owlstar?" Silverpaw asked. "Are you okay? Is there something you need from us?" Shypaw nodded, worry clouding her blue gaze. "Yes, if there's something you need, I would definitely like to know." The two apprentices waited for Owlstar to speak again.
Owlstar started meow sorrily, "I'm sorry, I'm such a mouse brain today, I think I'm just not feeling well." Owlstar shifted his gaze to Silverpaw, "Do you know where Ivymoon is?" Owlstar had a blank expression on his face and continued to speak, "I really am not feeling well..."
Ivymoon starred into the distance as she heard fox barking coming dangerously close to the pair of cats. Ivymoon barred her teeth and ran straight toward where the noise was coming from, ignoring whatever Fawnpelt could be yelling.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Foxfur heard a yowl of pain throughout the forest. He raced up to BlackStorm and said, "Something's wrong.. Did you hear that? That was a cat!" Foxfur's eyes filled with worry as hear frantically meowed at BlackStorm.
(sorry no Owlstar for now lol)

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
IvyMoon screeched as she saw FawnPelt get thrashed onto the ground, and in response, growled and jumped up on the fox visiously and clawed it's underbelly repeatedly and glanced at FawnPelt to see if she was able to fight, then nodded at her to make an attack

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"

Blackstorm raced through the forest alone. He had broke off from the patrol and had sent them back to camp, though he didn't know if they listened. He heard screeching of a fox and cat. Or multiple... "Ivymoon! Fawnpelt!" he yowled, seeing a bloody mess of two cats and a fox. "Sweet StarClan," a cat meowed from behind him. Mistystream followed me! the Deputy thought in terror. "I told you to go back to camp with the rest of the patrol, Mistystream," he hissed.
IvyMoon was shaking as BlackStorm raced up to them. She was covered in blood and cuts like FawnPelt, and hoped no one would notice that she was frightened. IvyMoon also hoped FawnPelt would forget this day sometime. Wait. I was only taught how to defend myself, not fight, so how..?Oh nevermind. Ivymoon was spacing out as she remebered there was still 1 fox left! As she turned around it clawed her underbelly and the untrained medicine cat blacked out.