"I.... don't know." Oddy said and started crying. He wouldn't she
Mina ever again if he remained invisible. Suddenly, his tears
started making him visible. "Oddy, your tears! That means that the
same way we got invisible, the same way way we will become visible!
Continue crying, Oddy!" Ethan said and grabbed Amy, placing her
next to Oddy. Ethan sat at the ground next to them.
Amy sighed. "Well, I know how to make me cry." Amy ran into some
strange spoke crystal druddigon had, she bag an to cry, the seats
were sticking out of her fur.
"Easy." Amy replied, running up to one of the minions, picking it
up. "We are humans, duh?" She swung it around, as if she was
playing hammer throw in the olympics, she let go, throwing it into
a wall.