The rumbling from the pit grows louder, and a hippowdon emerges.
Flytewing runs out of the cave, spotting a goomy. "Ruuuuun!" An
ursaring was already attacking her.
Leli whirled around and used Bubble once more, hitting the
Ursarang. It looked stronger than ever. ",
whatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo?" she asked in panic. She slid backward
as the Ursarang swiped at her once more, then shot a rapid Bubble
attack in its face.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
The hippowdon was almost at Flytewing and the goomy. By instinct,
flytewing used night shade. The hippowdon got scared of the dark
and burrowed away. When the dark faded, flytewing saw that the hole
had something inside it. A moon stone! Flytewing picked up the
stone with his mind and put it in his cloak.
Flytewing's night shade did not work on the ursaring. The goomy was
trying to avoid the swipes of the angry bear-like pokemon.
Flytewing ran over to help the goomy.
Leli yelped as the Ursarang managed to hit her with a swipe. "Ow,"
she growled, then used Absorb to regain health. Good, she
thought, I'll be able to recover this way... She ducked away
as it tried again, and she used Absorb once more. Then something
slammed into her. A teddiursa knocked her toward the Ursarang. She
used Tackle at the small bear.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
"Ugh, just leave me alone!" she shrieked at the Ursarang. "Can you
see what's happening?" she ducked under a swipe. "You're causing
more pain than I am!" She used Absorb on it, drawing some of its
strength. The large bear hit her side. She grunted and used Bubble.
Good, it's getting tired, she thought.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
"It's a long story... Hang on tight.. I feel like someone I knows
in a bit of trouble..." *He'd kick up dust and begin stampeding off
through the cave*