Fire pony went half way through the race track when Flare
"Turtwig passed 3rd test you have been accepted in joining... We
have 2 secret bases which would you like to visit first?"
"We have 2 bases but you probably will go with the opposite one to
the one we like... Also there is a Combusken to train anything
with." Flare said to Turtwig.
"There is a secret base right here. There is a password for
something to climb up to it... Team Sparky have some weird
problems." Flare said as a fire proof vine dropped down.
Fox Dasher jumped up parts of the trees and got half way up to the
secret base and jumped straight at it while everyone else climbed
the vine.
"Welcome to base 1... Grass types love it." Fox Dasher said to the
Fox Dasher walked over to a window and pointed at a Volcano.
"Thats where we go next." Fox Dasher said heading to a exit and
jumping out it with the other members going down the vine.