Forum Thread
non-friends icon
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → non-friends iconthe reason i did that was because i like to keep my friends party checklist at 0, that way i know ive helped all my friends. but i dont want additional friends on there who dont see me as a friend, why help someone who doesnt value you as a friend?
so what i propose is a different colored icon for the delete friend "broken-heart" icon. friends that are both on your friend list and on the added you list will have a red delete friend icon, however friends who are only on your friend list and haven't added you as a friend will have a black delete friend icon, in this way we can keep track of how many "true" friends we have. and delete any that dont see you as a friend.
if a color change wont work then an additional icon or list that shows the players youve added but havent added you yet would also work.
and as a additional incentive, i have only 150 friends, and it took me long enough to make me feel like this needs to be implemented, imagine how someone with 500-2000 friends would feel trying to do the same thing, it would take hours to go through the entire list finding who hasnt added you and deleting them.
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