looks around area spots eevee again "come here little one" says
shade *pulls out a berry in paw* *the eevee comes closer to the
berry * *eevee eats the berry*
*pokebot scares away the eevee* "what the heck are those" shade
says at the same time the eevee does *shade pulls out a sword and
slice all the
pokebots in half*
"sorry i was trying to figure out why a eevee was here plus im only
level 5"
*gets 10000000000000000000000 exp points* "okay now im stuck on
level 75" *gives Starlilly 50 rare candy as a sorry gift"
"It is ok I just like to train here and I am level 175 my Powers
let me be super strong" gets out 5 level 160 PokeBots "Time to
train" battles the Pokebots and wins really fast
*the berry turns in to salt* "what have i done to make this happen"
shade whispers *starts raining* *pulls out a picture of a lugia* "
you threw me out but i found shelter you called me weak but I
earned power i starved but I found food" shade whispers