Marie had gotten a few more people onto the roof, but fell, and hit
the floor of the building with a crack. She felt a insanely hurtful
pain in her arm she had landed on, and groaned, black dots coming
to her vision. She sat up, and stood, her arm throbbing painfully.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Aria noticed a Leafeon pokehuman lying on the floor ont the
What's wrong?" she asked.
Shockwave took his sister aside. "Aria! What do we know! She could
be a scientist!" He scolded
"No she isn't! I saw her on the roof, escaping!" Aria replied.
Marie felt her legs get wobbly, and looked at her arms, which was
twisted at an inhumane position. She put her hand over her mouth,
surprised. She knew it was broken, and touched it softly. She
hissed, whipping her hand back. She didn't touch it, but attempted
to climb to the roof. She glanced at the two whom had just entered,
and sighed.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Frost had just been pulling the last few people out through the
roof when she saw Marie fall through the hole and land on the floor
of the building. "Marie!" She cried, dropping down carefully so as
not to injure herself. "Are you okay?"
Silver: "Shadow! Sora! Shade! Is everyone out? If so, lets
go!!!" Shadow, Sora, Shade: "YES!!!" The three shouted together.
"Everyone is out. Well, at least the cages are all open." Shade
explained. Silver: "OK! Everyone out!" Silver said as she spread her
wings and grabbed Shadow, who was the only one of her friends she
could easily carry. She then leaped up and flew out of the hole
onto the roof. "Hey, can you guys help Sora and Shade?" She asked
the others on the roof.
(OK! Looks like we might all be free soon. After escape, the
characters need to keep from getting recaptured and find a hidden
Abby used Psycho Punch on Emma's cage, busting it open. Abby got
out and hugged her friend happily.
"Now, Lets get outta here! This place is giving me the heeby
jeebies..." Emma said, Abby smiled and ran through the hallways.
The two heard the tapping of footsteps down the hallway and Abby
quickly set into a panic. Emma dragged her into an isolated room,
which had white walls. Emma looked at Abby and nodded. Emma charged
up her Fire Punch while Abby charged up her Sucker Punch and they
both broke the wall, alarms sounding before the sprinted away.
Marie looked at Frost and gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, just hurt
my arm..." She said, trying to reassure the pokehuman. She motioned
to her arm, which was still bent at a sickening angle. She sighed
not wanting to be a nuisance.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Frost smiled softly back at the Leafeon pokehuman, concerned for
her safety. She gently scooped Marie up bridal style, and spreading
her wings, flew out through the roof. "We need to get you to a safe
place." She said as she flew over fields towards a forest in the
distance. "The other pokehumans have escaped now, they'll be fine,
but you need some kind of a bandage or cast on your arm before it
gets worse."
"We should find the others. We'll be safer in groups. Besides, one
of them may have something for my arm." Marie told her, looking up
at the other girl. She smiled, pointing in the direction of were
she saw silhouettes of people, rather pokehumans.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Emma grinded to a halt and looked back, seeing the figures of other
pokehumans. She waved politely and smiled. Abby stopped beside her.
"There's more of them...?" Abby asked. "Yeah... Show's how cruel
some people can be." Emma sighed.
Marie saw one of the pokehumans in front of them wave, and she
waved back. She cupped her one good hand around her mouth, and
yelled. "Hello!" She called out to them, trying to cat h their
attention and get them to stop, turn around, and come back.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Aurora, using her psychic abilities, was able to lift some of the
pokehumans out of the room and onto the roof. She noticed too late
when one of them, a Leafeon pokehuman, had fallen and broken her
arm. Before she could lift the girl up, another pokehuman carried
her bridal style out of the room and started flying away.
She made sure there were no more pokehumans inside the room before
she took off, using her abilities to kind of float/fly through the
air, as she called out toward the Leafeon pokehuman, "Hey wait! I
can try to heal your arm!"
Aria suddently felt a gut-wrenching feeling, but she didn't know
what it was. Shockwave, on the other hand did.
"Look out!" he yelled. VoltorbVoltorbVoltorb VoltorbVoltorb Voltorb BOOM!!!
(I just thought ,Voltorb, explosuon, destroy the lab, Dalek
Marie saw the explosion and gasped, writhing out of Frost's grip.
She dropped into the smoke, and landed on ruble, which broke her
fall. She looked around, and saw the other two. She scrambled to
the closer one, the boy, and shook him. "Are you okay?!" She asked,
placing him in her lap.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Silver: "Is everyone out? Oh, and what's your name? Mine is
Silver" Silver asked the Gardevoir Pokehuman. "We need to rally
everyone together, by the way. We stand a better chance
(@Hikari: Heal Pulse will work.)(@Sora_The_Sylveon: Good job with
the Voltorb.)
Shockwave opened his eyes and noticed he was in the Leafeon
Pokehuman's arms. He smiled.Suddenly his left wing felt like
someone numbed it, but he still felt it. He looked at it and
realised there was a big hole with blood dripping out of it.
"Urgh..." he groaned
"Shockwave! Are you okay?" Aria asked. He smiled at his sister. Her
happiness kept him from going insane.
"Do I look okay?" he said, pointing to his wing.
"Eeee" his sister said in reply, then puting her cotton like wings
under it like a bandage.