''i'm surprised you're not trying to knock me out... double the
money with two gijinka's for you poacher's if i'm correct..you'd be
loosing more money if you let one of us go.....'' he muttered,
coughing up more water as he tried to stand up.
"Yeah, but this Gijinka is already worth twice as much as you. Look
at her." He smiles. Himari was looking gorgeous and still
unconscious. "I am not interested in you."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
''you human's are arrogant and greedy.... you cause nothing but
trouble...!'' justin spat, leaning against the tree he was next to
for support.
the flame's that had been in his mouth left nothing but a bunch of
steam coming out of his mouth where the water and fire hit each
"You Gijinkas think, you are better than us, only because you have
special powers. But we prove, that you are just miscreated
Pokémon." He tightens the grip on Himari's throat.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
justin coughed again and clutched his head, closing his eye's from
the sudden impact from the blast of water he had been hit with.
''us gijinka's only want peace...! but you poach us, test on us,
kill us, for no reason! we only fight back because of what
you human's started!! you've even harmed innocent wild pokemon!''
he shouted, his voice trembling out of pain.
justin fell to his hand's and knee's and trembled, his vision
growing hazy.
''you won't get away with this...! you human's will pay for doing
this to all us gijinka's..!'' he growled, his strength seeming to
drain out of him.
Himari slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Immediately, she
rammed her elbow into his stomach, grabbed the cannon and ripped it
out, making him bleed. She runs to Justin and doesn't fear for now,
since he is weakened.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
justin's eye's widened as he looked at himari, then at the hunter
as he forced his vision to clear.
he snarled and got to his feet weakly, lunging with a shadow claw
to the arm, the same one that was holding the gun.
he growled and breathed heavily, ignoring the pain in his head as
he glared at him.
'' the girl stay's, you leave... now go before i end up doing
something we'll both regret.... leave and never return.. if you do,
i will end you're miserable life....'' he spat, his hand glowing as
he prepared another shadow claw attack.
A new Gijinka entered the scene and lifted Justin and Himari,
bringing them to an old wooden house, around half an hour away and
layed them in seperate beds, one room away from each other. She
healed Himari's wound a bit and sits next to Justin.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
he opened his eye's a little, his vision hazy as she looked at the
girl speaking.
''just a headache.... where's my pack..?'' he asked, feeling at his
belt to see if he still had his side pack of explosive's with him.