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1x1x1 With Raika And wolfgirl2398
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Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:29 (9 Years ago)
"Then let you help yourself, instead of using those moves!" He
ignited the Smog and caused an explosion, making all of them launch
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:30 (9 Years ago)
Neptune stops breathing and her heart stops. same for strike.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:31 (9 Years ago)
Xenonine walks off, with Chlorine on her back and they went back to
the place.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:34 (9 Years ago)
justin skidded to a stop and planted his feet to where he didn't go
''neptune!'' he called out, running over to her and strike.
adriane shook her head and kissed him deeply, blushing faintly as
she wrapped her arm's around his neck.
scarlet looked at the little figurine and her ear's perked up, then
she looked over drowsily.
''hey flourine...'' she mumbled, smiling a little.
matthew heard the explosion and bolted in the direction of the
sound, chris following behind.
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:36 (9 Years ago)
One of neptune's horns threatens to come off.
Ruby starts to die.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:38 (9 Years ago)
"Oh, how interesting." He kissed back, with more passion.
"Hello there." She smiled. "What's your name?"
Cobalt starts to panic and the stuff, that Ruby gave him dropped on
her. The full dose.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:41 (9 Years ago)
it fails. her voice echos in his head "It does not work on me.".
Ruby clearly needs something stranger.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:43 (9 Years ago)
He starts to tear now and their tears mix. But he knows, that won't
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:45 (9 Years ago)
a bag full of max revives falls out of Ruby's pocket.
Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:45 (9 Years ago)
justin skidded on his knee's and carefully pushed her horn back to
where it wouldn't fall of, then kept his hand there.
''neptune please wake up...'' he muttered.
matthew stopped in the clearing and went over to strike, shaking
her shoulder to try and wake her up with chris standing by to
''scarlet... i seen you three day's ago, unless that was someone
else who had this grass doll...'' scarlet mumbled.
adriane blushed furiously and sighed happily.
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:48 (9 Years ago)
both of them are near death. their hearts need to be restarted for
them to wake up.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:56 (9 Years ago)
Carbon sighed, took the Full Revive and smacked it in her
"It was me." Flourine said and her hair fluffed up.
"Everything alright?"
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:58 (9 Years ago)
Ruby's heart starts up again and she starts breathing. she wakes up
and hugs cobalt.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:00 (9 Years ago)
"Don't thank me! Carbon there slammed the Full Revive in your mouth
like her fist into my face."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:00 (9 Years ago)
''i hate to do this...'' justin mumbled, carefully rolling neptune
over before using thunder punch right over her heart for a better
affect in trying to revive her.
matthew did the same thing, but only with electroweb.
scarlet smiled and handed flourine her doll back.
adriane nodded and smiled, giggling a little as she purred happily.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:02 (9 Years ago)
"Keep it." She said, with a happy expression. "You seem
trustworthy. I want you to keep it. I'd gave it to Vincent. But his
stick fire makes everything burn."
"Would you like to... go on a drink with me? Carbon is a great
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:04 (9 Years ago)
Neptune and Strike come back to life. Neptune wakes up and coughs
"Thunder and daisy are dead......" Neptune hugs justin. Her horns
come off. Neptune faints. she starts to die again.
Ruby looks at Carbon "Thank you......" Ruby looks shy.
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:04 (9 Years ago)
"No problem." Even though Carbon is female, she has a great
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:07 (9 Years ago)
Ruby looks at cobalt "can we go get something to eat?".
Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:08 (9 Years ago)
Carbon walks off and Cobalt smiled. "Sure, why not?"
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my