There's times I just want to give up, leave everything behind, run
away... It's those times where everything you've put your hopes on
starts collapsing before your very eyes.... Luckily enough, time
has taught me how to be strong enough to make it through such
difficult situations. But I am not sure if that'll always be
enough... That moment when you are about to make the final step and
the entire brisge collapses beneath your feet... You are losing
ground, you're desperate... And frienda... They will always be
there, but there are things you just can't obtain... Not everything
is possible..You can't fit an elephant inside a shoe box...unless
you make the box itself larger. But what if you are not willing to
do that? A shoe box is destined to store shoes, right? Exactly like
that, I am tired of trying to change myself just to match the
expectations of others...I may be destined to be as I am...
Only time will tell.
(Excuse me for the lack of introduction, this is more or less a
diary, where I post every thought I make, no matter how crazy or
weird...So don't worry if it seems too awkward xD It's my way of
emptying my head...And, who knows? Maybe one of you reading this
will get inspired. [= )