Ginger looked around as Zaneo said that, cautious of the Shadow
plants around them. "stay still." She said as she closed her eyes,
allowing flame to burst out around them, reveiling Shadow plants.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Zalizo, who had been scouting the forest to check for shadow plants
that were dangerously close to the camp, heard Zaneo and rushed
over. He saw that Ginger was already helping, and took this
opportunity to report to the princess. "My lady, there are shadow
plants to the northeast of the village. I will lead you there."
(Is it okay to have him already be a part of the clan instead of
staggering out of the forest at the right time or falling from the
"Also, Princess Ginger, there are some Pokémon that somehow still
don't know of the shadow plants," Zalizo said. "We must ensure that
all Pokémon are educated on them."
Ginger flicked her ears and nodded. "yes, I will make sure on that
Zalizo, thank you." Ginger stood up and smiled. "And yes, you may
lead me to where you have seen the Shadow plants."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
(Eep! I just realized I forgot to say what species Zalizo is! He is
an Espeon.)
Zalizo was too far away to hear Star, so he began to lead Ginger to
the shadow plants. "If you are wondering how I know that some
Pokémon know nothing of the shadow plants, it is because a Skarmory
tried to eat one earlier, but upon cutting it open, the spores were
released. Thankfully, he was a Steel-type, so he could not be
poisoned, and I had Magic Bounce to repel the spores, but I fear
that this may happen again to a Pokémon who is not so lucky."
Cookie woke up in the beach and saw much more shadow plants than
before she slept. The plants suddenly grew toward her faster then
normal and she had no where to run. The shadow plants caught her
and covered her mouth.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
"I see, well when the battle starts between the Forest and the
Shadow Woods, if we win the Shadow Plants will start to disappear."
She flicked her tail as she spotted the plants come into view. "I
got this." Ginger closed her eyes and lifted up the plants with
Telekineses, Using her flame to eat away the poison, making them
turn into a regular flowers.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
"Your ability never ceases to amaze me," Zalizo said. Suddenly, he
heard a loud noise and used his psychic abilities to scan the area
and attempt to figure out what it was. "It seems like someone is
being attacked, and tripped! We must help, my lady!" He darted over
to the area from which the sound had come.