Ginger smiled and looked up at the already darkening sky. "maybe I
should send a few more Foxes out to search for Cookie, it gets
awful dangerous at night.."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Ginger shook her head. "Nah, besides, I want to stay outside the
dens tonight. the Butterfree and Beautifly come out tonight and do
tricks in the air around the moon."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
"K...i... s... s... heheheheh!"Miso grins and stares at the two,
rubbing her head where Zane hit her. "I'll go look for Cookie with
Flame! So you two... can be alone..." She snickers at the two,
grabbing Zanes paw and sticking it next to Gingers. "Almost holding
hands! Ya know, I used to ship slugs as a kid. They were so~ cute
together." She grins, and bounds off after Flame.
"Hiya Flame! Where do you think Cookie went?"
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
"Hello miso.i don't know.i though she went to the beach to meet the
other eevees,but i can't find her.actually,i just saw her ffotprint
in the sand and tried to follow it and still can't find her.where
did she actually go.anyway,zane just attacked you right?"Falme said
to miso while giggling
(frankthetank3r, please don't double-post. Just edit the
previous post next time)
(mega just saw you post not to double-post XD)
(sorry for being really inactive, I've just been working on
getting the events)
(just so you know, usually during the week Tiny runs off, just
minding her own business because she still likes to stay at least a
bit wild)
Tiny quickly runs into camp saying, "Hey guys! What's going on?"
Cookie saw it was becoming night and quickly dug a hole in the sand
to sleep in. "Dear stars,I would like a way to get back home. Im
lonely." Cookie said and closed her eyes. She soon fell asleep.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active