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Time to Light it Up...

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Time to Light it Up...
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 19:19 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry guys, been a bit too busy with school, travelling and moving. Honestly can't seem to get on this site for longer than 2-5 mins a day.. But glad to see that some epic stuff is going on in the rp!!!)

The peacefulness had gone in only a moment. A minute ago, Brunhilde was sitting under a tree but now she was trapped in a chaotic fight. With her back against the ground, she was holding her gun across the chest of a large wildcat to prevent it's snapping and frothing jaws from reaching her face, even though it's arms flailed all over the place trying to attack, she had been struck thrice from it's long, curled claws. Drawing back her lips, she spat at the creature viciously and bared her teeth in anger and frustration with a quick lash of her head to the side, she tried to see Ghembo for any assistance but struggled as blood started to drip into the left eye due to a stinging wound across her forehead. Those damn idiots took my knives! she spat in her head viciously, cursing violently with every explicit phrase she could damn well think of. Her arms were growing weak with holding the cat away from her and she flinched and yelped as one of the claws snatched at her skin and drew blood. With a yowl, she spat back an incredibly loud and clear, understandable explicit phrase before quickly grabbing the gun away from the creature and before it could jump and bit her damn face off, she roughly shot the gun, it's bullet immediately striking the head of the creature and blood gorily came out. Closing her eyes to avoid the bloody scene, she used her hand to wipe both her and the creature's blood off of her face, smearing red all over her pale face and hand. It was a sickening sight to see the creature's face now, but she simply got to her feet quickly and aimed her rifle at another creature. While usually Brunhilde preferred not to kill, this had to be the exception. She wasn't surviving alone now, but had god knows how respected members of a pride. It's either death under the claws of these damn monsters or some hope of survival. she thought before shooting the other creature.

Zaire, from the river was watching the fight. "Shouldn't we help them?" a young crocodile named Mkondo asked, looking nervous and worried about the outcome of the fight. But Zaire hesitated to give a definite answer, helping possible prey like the lions would be cowardly but he too had known about that rogue band that attacked them, they had killed another young croc several seasons ago due to a lack of prey and the crocs had never liked them for fouling near the river. The leader looked out and could see that the fight was a bitter one, blood marked most of the creatures and it looked far from over. At first, he turned away but a deep guilt flooded him, the most cowardly thing to do would be to ignore it and go back to the camp empty-bellied and with no food for the others. "Fine." Zaire grumbled, he flicked his tail and the group slowly emerged from the river, their scales camouflaged against the darker part of the forest as they slowly made their way around to attack some of the rogues from the other side and would use the element of surprise against them. Besides, Zaire huffed, There will be bodies after the fight.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 19:41 (8 Years ago)
Gunshots ringing out amongst the snarls and roars of the animals around her, Ariana snapped her head up. Guns... Humans!? A wave of fear and fury washed over her as painful memories stirred from their sleep, and she hardly took any notice of the brawl as she scanned the dusky clearing. Darkness was enveloping the forest, and darkness was her friend. Humans did not fare well in the darkness with Ariana.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 20:36 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Sheera was momentarily blinded, as a furry tail slapped her in the eye. She yowled, and without thinking about it, called water from deep within the Earth. It wooshed out of the ground in a mini-explosion that sprayed mud and debris everywhere, coating almost everything. She flung the water at her attacker's face, and its air went up in a cloud of panicked bubbles. It howled in fear, clawing at its own face, before it slumped to the ground, unconscious. Sheera bared her teeth angrily and forced water into its lungs. It coughed once more before dying.
Sheera danced through the crowd of angry monsters. It was surprising how many--
She let out an audible gasp as she saw who lay on the ground in front of her. The lion that had always been gruff towards her, yet never threatened her. The lion that had been kind to her when her mother was killed in a raid. The lion that had almost seemed fatherly until he became alpha.
On the ground.

Blight flung away one of his attackers. The creature (he couldn't get a good look at it, sweat was pouring unhealthily into his eyes) yowled as it accidentally bowled over one of its clanmates. His flank screamed in agony as a creature sunk its claws into it. He roared in pain, trying to unhook the attacker's claws. It was to no avail. Blight screamed as more attackers flung themselves at him.

Sheera... Ghembo thought blearily, seeing her worried face swim in and out of view. Air bucked in his lungs, making it hard to capture a breath. His wound had not yet stopped bleeding. "Sh..." Ghembo paused painfully, coughing. "Sheera," he managed, wincing as he tried to sit up.
"No, no, no Ghembo, sit back down." Sheera went to nudge him gently back into his position. He shook his head.
"No... Sheera, my time... has come." He forced the words out, each syllable a knife to his wound. "I... I never got to tell you what happened."
Sheera shook her head. "No, Ghembo, you will. You'll be fine."
"No... about your moth...er..."
Her tail froze. Her concern formed into a hard lump in her throat. "What about her?"
"Sheera... I could never tell anyone that I... spent a night... with her... because..." he coughed, reeling as blood sprayed the ground in front of him. The attackers must have took him for dead and deemed Sheera not a threat, because neither of them were attacked. "because... she was not from our pride... and when... she... found out... about.... you, she... had to lie... and... they let her live... until her cub could be... born. Then they... killed her... for treason."
Sheera, shocked, stood stock-still. "So... you're my... my... father?"

Ghembo couldn't answer.
He never would be able to.
His lifeless eyes stared past Sheera, a small smile playing on his blood-coated lips. Tears poured down Sheera's cheeks, as a howl was ripped from her chest. Her new-found father was dead.

(Color changed because point of view changed)

(Oooookaaaay, so many character. >.< Wow, this was a LOT of writing.
It's alright that you have to do things besides going on PH! I'm just glad I can role-play with such a talented writer~ :D

Also, I guess I just killed Ghembo. I'm not going to ghost him, 'cause that's WAAAY too stereotypical, and I don't want his *sniff* memory to live on like that. Poor Ghembo baby. He was so young! 3: [I seriously feel sad right now, I get way too involved in my writing])
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 09:54 (8 Years ago)
All thoughts of the human slipped from Ariana's mind as Sheera's howl reached her ears, causing her to swing round and cast her eye over to see the lioness standing over the body of Ghembo with tears on her cheeks and pain in her eyes. Ariana tensed up, anger and frustration mingling with sadness causing her stomach to twist and a weight to form in her chest. This fight has gone on long enough. Drawing power from her core and from the shadows around her, Ariana grimaced as she prepared herself. She hadn't done this in a long time, and it always tired her out. And with that last thought she steeled herself and threw out her energy into the air around her.

And everything went black.

(No, Ghembo! I get attached to characters in roleplays, and oh god does this upset me. Still, I'm really enjoying this! You two are great writers and I love rps that aren't just one-liners.

Also I hope this description of 'dimming the lights' makes sense, I imagine that it'd be tiring and would take a lot of energy. If something doesn't sound right then please tell me!)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 13:03 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Sheera blinked away her tears, only to see complete darkness overwhelming the battlefield. With her still raw emotions, she panicked.
Apparently the wildcats did too. They yowled in panic and fled the opposite way they had come from, apparently missing the crocodilian scent in the air. It was going o get ugly for them, real soon.

Blight, still swiping blindly when darkness had covered the clearing, was surprised when his claws met nothing but air. He was even more surprised when his nose detected nary a rogue's scent. He heard Sheena's familiar call. "Regroup to my voice!" Blight reluctantly padded towards it. He kept his back stiff, because he had no idea who had sent out the darkness, and believed that the Dark Elemental must be an enemy.
(You and me both! I wasn't even planning for Ghembo to die, but that's what his character... "wanted", I guess. X3 Also, the darkness power you just used was really interesting! I agree that it should tax the user a lot. That was an awesome idea! :3 Also, my replies are going to be short, since I'm going on vacation, and my mom isn't letting me bring my computer, so yeah. I'll still get replies in, but they may be late/short/have many errors. So beware!)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 17:09 (8 Years ago)
Ariana waited until the yowls and panicked footsteps of the wildcats faded into the distance before moving a step. Being attacked in her current state would almost certainly end in disaster - even breathing required more effort than usual. Gathering a little of her precious energy together, Ariana pulled the murky blackness back from the surroundings, once more bathing the clearing in the last light of the setting sun, before trudging her way over to Sheera.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 19:12 (8 Years ago)
(Don't mind me, just screaming to the sky BECAUSE GHEMO DIED AND HE WAS GOALS. Jks, Sad to see him go but excited to see how the rp will continue! xD)

Brunhilde grunted slowly to her feet as the wildcats seemed to retreat. She staggered slightly, she felt dizzy and nauseous, blood dripped from her head, her hands and now from one of her legs almost as if she had doused herself in red paint. She looked around in a full circle before she could make out what happened, the action had come and gone so quickly, it was much more of a dream than it could be in real life. Time seemed to slow, her heartbeat seemed to race, shapes and colours swirled as her eyes produced hallucinations of the battered clearing. Holding her head quickly and wincing, she bent down slightly and hissed in the pain, but slowly trudged over to some of the other creatures. Rest was what she needed now, but she wasn't too sure how much she'd get.

The wildcats had come their way. Screams and growls filled the air, the mongrels didn't know the crocdiles were there and a chaotic mess began, the faster ones got out, but the slower, injured ones didn't stand a chance. Feeling triumphant and somewhat proud of the ordeal, Zaire counted the fallen that littered the forest floor. Wildcat meat might not be the finest, but in these times, we'll get what we can take. Lifting his head, he noticed the others that remained in the clearing, some bloodied and disorientated, some clearly in grief. While normally the crocodiles stayed away from the business of others, it was clear that these animals may have needed some assistance. "If you leave others in a pain you wish not to have, you are not a noble creature, but rather more of a cowardly rat." Zaire grumbled to the younger members, Hopefully if they need some help, it will stop some of the tensions. Of course, these wounded animals could have been attacked by the crocs for more food, but it was seen in their eyes as wasteful to kill what isn't needed. Zaire and two of the other crocodiles, one hanging back to prevent any more attacks, headed for the lingering animals, his footsteps slow and steady as his large body almost slithered over the beaten ground. That's when he noticed the body, clearly a male, clearly a powerful male, but he knew who the lion was. Is that Ghembo? Like other leaders, Zaire had to know the leaders of other groups out of respect but also to know your enemy. Making his way over, he noticed a lioness standing near the body, clearing in pain, emotional more than physical it seemed. He slowed his movements even more but kept his head lowered in respect. Coming over to the body, his thought had been confirmed. Ghembo was now dead, although Lions and Crocodiles never saw eye to eye, the leader couldn't deny that Ghembo, leader of the lion pride in these parts, was powerful. He was unable to say anything that might irritate the other lions, but slowly spoke, in order to prevent anyone thinking he was sarcastic or gloating, "May the rivers he takes to the afterlife be gentle and kind, with fresh running prey that he will find." Although this may have been a ritual for their kind, Zaire found it appropriate to use it for the leader, "We are sorry for your loss," he added, head rising up again, "If it is any consolidation, some of those disgusting vermin died quickly for their selfishness."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 23:07 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Sheera's mind was consumed with grief, and barely noticed Zaire slide up to her. "They deserved to die in pain." Sheera said quietly, not caring that her voice was ragged from her sobs. "I wish I could kill them all over again." She stared at the body hollowly, feeling despair and anger, and God-knows-what-else. "I never knew I cared about him so much... he was like a father to m-" Sheera stopped suddenly. "No wonder he always looked out for me..." Now that she thought about it, it all made sense. The job promotions, how he had looked after her as a cub, how he defended her when other male lions tried to take advantage of her... it all made sense. Something on her had snapped today, and she knew it was irreparable, but something new had grown in its place. Now, every minute of every hour was precious to her, because anyone's life could be taken from her. She took a good long look at her crew, Blight, the lion with blood dripping off in rivulets from his pale fur, Ariana, the beautiful leopard that changed Sheera's life, Brunhilde, looking battered and exhausted, but still somehow standing, and even Zaire, looking powerful but understanding at the same time. Somehow, she got the sense that everything might just turn alright in the end.

(I know, I'm sad too... D: I actually didn't mean for him to die, but his character would NOT walk away from a fight, especially one with his daughter. To br honest, even I didn't see it coming. Wow, poor Ghembo. However, I'm... "excited" to see how Brunhilde and the other lions will react to this.
Also, I'm assuming that the darkness had lifted. X3)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 20:13 (8 Years ago)
Oh god. Brunhilde, despite her bloodied eye, could clearly make out Ghembo's dead corpse. After seeing the lion alive and breathing only minutes ago, she couldn't comprehend his death. Sure, she was dizzy but she knew what she saw. Brunhilde had known death, she saw it happen nearly everyday sometimes, whether it be in the creatures, the elementals or her own humans, but this was different. A lion who was interested in humans, it showed intelligence but also possible future peace between the two species. Would that even happen now? she asked herself worryingly, but she shook her head. Sheera clearly was in pain but all Brunhilde could do was stand nearby and keep in respectful silence.

Zaire couldn't say anything in reply. He shook his muscles and gave a slow nod, careful not to look rude, "We'll head off now." After a moment of silence, he turned to Ghembo's body and added, "I will keep a truce period between our species - It is clear that grief will run in your pride tonight, if you wish to use the river for a moon, you are welcome to." Zaire of course was fiercely territorial over the flowing river, the largest one in this part of the land, but these creatures were going to be weak without a fully established leadership and if they needed water or even a defensive position, he wasn't going to turn creatures away to their death. "Good luck to you, he will be in the Bask's thoughts tonight." Zaire added finally and with a grumble, he lashed his tail and the others followed, two of them mumbling their condolences briefly before following. They headed back to the forest where the ambush took place and started the process of trying to take the prey back to the camp. A good feast. Zaire observed, But at what cost to them?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Tue, 14/06/2016 07:06 (8 Years ago)
Too exhausted and upset to look at anything but Sheera, Ariana gently wound her tail around that of the distraught lioness, hoping to offer a little comfort. Voice soft and weary, she asked the question she had been thinking for a few minutes. "What now?"
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 12:22 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Yeah... Sheera thought. What now? There was no obvious route to run down. She couldn't run away; everyone was finally looking up to her... even if it was because- She cut off the thought, unwilling to weep in front of everyone again. She couldn't head back to camp; her life was just going to get worse now that Ghembo was dead. A new, and probably egotistical and cruel, alpha was going to take charge after the remaining two alphas deliberated. She shook her head in frustration. What was she going to do?
"I..." she swallowed and tried again. "I don't know." She stared blankly at her limp tail wrapped in Ariana's own. When had that happened? She gave her tail some life, wrapping around Ariana's as well. "Should we even head back to Pride?" She paused shaking her head. This was so complicated. "The human should probably go. Now that Ghembo is gone, she'll probably have an accident out on a lone cliff while on a hunting patrol. I can't go back either, I have one of the most coveted positions in the pride, and now that Ghembo isn't protecting me, I'll be eaten alive by desperate lions, looking for a job. I don't have a clue on what to do next."

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Thu, 16/06/2016 22:03 (8 Years ago)
Brunhilde remained bloodied and sore, but her mind was far from it. Under the ragged and broken exterior, her mind clicked like clockwork, out of both fear and common sense. Ghembo was now dead, Brunhilde had been brought to the pride by him and she could barely imagine the pride wanting to still keep a human in their ranks, let alone teach it how to hunt and all their behaviours. I need out of here. she could tell Sheera was still in grief, but it would soon be night and then in the morning, she'd have no protection from Ghembo or even the others if a lion were to attack her. Then a moment of rememberance came about. The reason why she was travelling had been passed to aside with the whole situation. Shaking her head, she grunted and limped over to the lioness. She looked over at the translator, at whom she was suprised that he hadn't been as badly damaged and battered as she once thought. "Sheera?" she asked, ending her question with a raspy cough, "I think it would be best if I were to leave." with a look of remorse at the body, she added, "Ghembo, for whatever reason, wanted me in the pride. However," interrupting her statement with yet another cough, she continued, "That time has passed, as much as I may have come to respect him, I don't believe that it would be fair or either me or your pride to hold me in this position." She seemed to sway to a side partially but regained her footing but she looked at the lioness straight on, with a hint of defiance, "Right now, you need to be with your pride, your remaining family and friends in order to get through this time. That too is what I hoped to do before I came here. I ask you not as a ungrateful coward, but as an ally, proud to have fought beside you and your leader, if I may go and leave."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Thu, 16/06/2016 22:35 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

"Yes." Sheera's eyes watered. "Yes, I believe that would be best. I'm sorry." Her ears flicked backwards. "I don't know why Ghembo wanted you here." Even through her haze of sadness, she knew to keep her voice low and respectful. "I doubt we'll ever find out."
She raised her head. "Ariana," she began, voice wavering, "I think... I think we should run away together. There's nothing left for me at Pride."

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)
Thank god.
Now Brunhilde wasn't being selfish or disrespectful, but the fact that Sheera agreed gave her some relief. With a nod, she picked up her gun and said, "I'll quickly go to the cave and remove my weapons," as clearly during the battle, she struggled without her easily to reach knives and daggers, "I promise you, no lion will see me and if they do, I won't mention you or Ghembo. Simple as that."
"However," she added with some nervousness, worried about how the lioness may react, "The pride must know about Ghembo and the battle. In some way, this has to reach them." with a slight glance over at Ariana, she added, "You can't abandon them with no knowledge of their leader's death - the translator could go if need be. All I'm sayin' is that they deserve the truth from someone, either you, or anyone else." hesitating slightly, she coughed purposely and added, "Good luck. Honestly, with whatever you do." fondly looking over at the translator, she repeated a similar statement, although felt more thankful to him in all honesty. With another dip of her head, she picked up her gun, slung it around her shoulder and walked off with a slight limp. Despite the loss of blood, she kept her head held high and refused to look back.

It didn't take long to get the knives. She was quiet and didn't attract attention to herself, what feared her the most was the lions getting the smell of blood, but she had cleaned up her head, arms and legs at a nearby river. It was far from the safest option still with now a worry of infections and illnesses, but she'd take that rather than having to continue to stay in a place she didn't belong. With a quick adjustment of placing all the weapons back into their familiar spots - hidden in her sleeves, socks, trousers and shoes, she got up and followed the track she had once come with when Ghembo had led her there. It didn't take long to reach the original path either, things seemed to be going swimmingly given the death that happened and the blood that was spilled, but it seemed like the odds favoured her now. While the path was not at all familiar, she felt safer, away from obvious signs of other animals like lions and wildcats, it wouldn't take her long to get out of this forest or jungle or whatever the hell it was. Finally. with a quick breath of relief, she was glad to get the smoothed path under her boots again and felt the urge to run, to get out and to find what she had come here for. Don't worry brother. I'm coming home.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 22:50 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Sheera remained immobile as Brunhilde pridefully walked away without so much as a glance back. If the human hadn't been so useful in battle, Sheera would have liked to rip out her throat. How dare she tell her how to do her job? She kept herself restrained, keeping a cool, blank look in her eyes as she stared ahead. Turning to Blight, she said, "Take Ghembo's body to camp." Her mind felt empty after all the grief, and all she wanted to do was sleep. "Ariana, are you ready to go?"

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 09:19 (8 Years ago)
Resisting the urge to attack the cocky human, Ariana gave a slow nod. "Yeah." Her body was aching, her wounds stung slightly and she just wanted to find somewhere peaceful to sleep and heal. "I'm ready to go."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 11:30 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Dusk!

Gingerly, Sheera rose, feeling old wounds crack and start slowly trickling blood, matting up her fur. She shook her head, unhappy that a rush suddenly filled it, making it hard to think. Steadying herself, she asked Ariana, "Alright, chief, which way to go?" Sheera asked. Her tease sounded pathetic.

(Wherever Ariana goes, Sheera will follow! ^^ just so we avoid having a I-don't-want-to-godmod-one-hundred-billion-posts situation. :3 )
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 20:59 (8 Years ago)
(Hey guys, will be away for around 2 to 3 weeks unfortunately, so going to kinda put Zaire and Brunhilde on hold Or a cliffhanger >:3. Sorry to leave the rp for that long but will be excited to see what both you guys have done when I come back (I find the Sheera and Ariana thing adorable!! :3) Anyway, thought you guys should know! ^^')

The path was now clear, the foliage, the canopy of trees had disappeared in moments and a broken and deserted wasteland now remained in her sights. The clusters of abandoned homes and buildings may have unnerved most, but on the horizon brought Brunhilde more hope than ever. The small town, appearing like little to look at, was infamous in these parts, despite it's size, it was home to traders, bounty hunters and many more interesting individuals, it was one of the parts that remained fiercely protective against the elementals and their vast array of weaponry in a secured armoury gave them overwhelming power over any opponent. She could smell the burning of materials for heat, she could see the gleaming metal that fenced the town and she could hear the bickering of men arguing over the price of water. Home.

Zaire and the others feasted, it was a large banquet and certainly took away some of the grief that the bask had suffered in recent times, Ghembo's death remained in his mind but most importantly he had to enforce the protection of his group and could not let any other distractions take a toll. Others in the bask were let down by his judgement, Vurugu, an experienced but violent crocodile brutally attempted to lower Zaire's leadership in the form of petty lies and deception, he and many others found it unfair that the lions had access to the river, even for a short time period, they found it unfair that they could potentially take their resource. Zaire feared death, even more so when a great leader like Ghembo is killed, but he also feared embarrassment in his own group and the idea that the bask may not want him as a leader was beginning to rattle him from the inside out.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 19/06/2016 00:03 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry I've been gone so long. Been really busy.)
Rhea slung her backpack over her shoulder and hopped out of the window. She had been stuck in that room for days. She walked into the woods and turned on her flashlight. The sun was setting. She didn't have much time before the dark elementals came out. Sometimes she broke a tree branch off a tree or carved something into a tree to mark her way. She found a tree that had leaves that covered a couple branches. She climbed up into the little area and put her sleeping bag on the branches. It was perfect.

Bane looked around the cave. Everyone was getting ready for the night hunt. Everyone except him. He was going to attempt something dangerous. He was going to try to gain the powers of another element. He went over to his second in command and whispered something to him. It was settled.
(Not very creative today unfortunatley. But I have plans!)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sun, 19/06/2016 03:27 (8 Years ago)
I swear to goodness gravy, if you leave them on a cliffhanger, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... SPAM YOUR ACCOUNT WITH MAGIKARP PLUSHIES. SO DON'T DO IT please. :D I agree, the Sheera/Ariana thing is SOOOO CUTE! I've actually never had been able to write from the point of view of a gay character, so this is new ground for me. It's lots of fun!

That's alright! <3 I'm excited to see what you come up with.

I'm just going to wait until Space replies. :3)