@amber the special price ended on 2nd Nov. They will go at normal
price of 125,000pd or 3 dragon gems or 1 map each.
However, You will receive 15% off due to the silver loyalty
membership. It will give u a rebate of 18,750pd for each igglybuff
regardless which method of payment you decide to make.
Please confirm with me if you are still going ahead with the
purchase :)
It was a successful hunt overall. Thank you to those who
have ordered and supported my shop
My next hunt is Seel.
Seel (Rare)
210,000pd / 185 normal gems/ 3 dragon gems/ 1 map [Valid till 22nd
Nov 2016]
(Mixed offer of pd and gems are welcomed; dragon gem=50,000pd,
normal gems=1k)
I will like to order:Shiny seel
Quantity: 1
Payment mode (PD, Gems, Mixed): 3 Dragon Gems
Are you referred by anyone?:No
(If yes, [player name], if no, [No])
It was a crazy hunt this time, hatching 5 shinies under
chain 100 . Thank you to those who have ordered and supported my
My next hunt is tauros.
Shiny Tauros (Single Gender)
220,000pd / 200 normal gems/ 4 dragon gems / 1 map [Valid till 10
Dec 2016]
(Mixed offer of pd and gems are welcomed; dragon gem=50,000pd,
normal gems=1k)
@sam01 Order noted. Do send in the payment to confirm
the order :)
Username: Zelfdoding
I will like to order: Tauros
Quantity: 1
Payment mode (PD, Gems, Mixed): PD this time :) Running low on
dragon gems
Are you referred by anyone?: No
(If yes, [player name], if no, [No])
Alan, would you prefer that I send PD with or without the discount?
Username: Kotaku
I will like to order: 1 Shiny Taurus
Quantity: 1
Payment mode (PD, Gems, Mixed): 1 Dragon Gem + 170k
Are you referred by anyone?: [No]