Forum Thread
A Little Meme's Breeding Shop [LF: Breeders]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → A Little Meme's Breeding Shop [LF: Breeders]"If you wish to buy something, you should also follow these rules I have laid out."

1. You must pay before receiving
your Pokémon.
2. No requesting shinies/megas/legendaries. These would take too long to get.Unless I somehow get more Lapras luck, but I give
up on Lapras
3. I'll accept any payment, but I must be paid.
4. Don't rush me. It is rude and uncalled for.
5. When the shop is open, it's open. When it's closed, it is closed.
6. Please try to not be on a hunt if you are a breeder and someone requests something from you.
7. The "mystery code word" is the shipping name of Ryuk + Meme. (RyuMemeOne)
8. Please be sure to put a thank you note in your form, and don't post anything here besides your form.
2. No requesting shinies/megas/legendaries. These would take too long to get.
3. I'll accept any payment, but I must be paid.
4. Don't rush me. It is rude and uncalled for.
5. When the shop is open, it's open. When it's closed, it is closed.
6. Please try to not be on a hunt if you are a breeder and someone requests something from you.
7. The "mystery code word" is the shipping name of Ryuk + Meme. (RyuMemeOne)
8. Please be sure to put a thank you note in your form, and don't post anything here besides your form.
"Hmm, you wish to buy something? Well, here is the list of breeders and what they can give."
"If you wish to become a breeder, or even buy something then fill out the form, or forms."

If you wish to become a breeder
If you are only looking to purchase then...
[center] [color=black] [b]
[size=14]Courtney, I wish to become a breeder![/size] [/b]
[b]List of What you can Breed:[/b] (Please provide links)
[b]Mystery/Code Word:[/b] [/color] [/center]
[b]List of What you can Breed:[/b] (Please provide links)
[b]Mystery/Code Word:[/b] [/color] [/center]
If you are only looking to purchase then...
[center] [color=SlateBlue] [b]
[size=14]Courtney, I wish to buy something![/b] [/size]
[b]Things You Wish To Buy:[/b]
[b]Who You Wish To Buy From:[/b]
[b]Price Total:[/b]
[b]Mystery/Code Word:[/b] [/color] [/center]
[b]Things You Wish To Buy:[/b]
[b]Who You Wish To Buy From:[/b]
[b]Price Total:[/b]
[b]Mystery/Code Word:[/b] [/color] [/center]
"Now, here are the slots and prices."
Easy - 400 - 1000
Medium - 1000 - 1800
Hard - 2000 - 3000
Rare - 3500 - 5000
Special - 2800 - 3500
Events - 25,000 - 40,000
Unown - 20,000 - 25,000
Starters - 3000 - 3500
Username: Summer-Blizzard
List of What you can Breed: Any pokemon from this box (Please provide links)
Other:I will do shiny hunts! Easy - 100k
Medium - 120k
Hard - 130k
Rare - 140k
Special - 180k
Events - 670k
Starters - 240k
I must be able to breed them!
Mystery/Code Word: RyuMemeOne
Today's Happiness Meter
Username: alvadiadi123
List of What you can Breed: (Please provide links)
Other:I will added more pokemon in another time and i maybe will sell a mega able if i get a mega-ables pokemon.
Mystery/Code Word: RyuMemeOne
List of What you can Breed: Zoroark (In daycare), Ponyta, Shinx/Luxray, Bagon, Charmanders and Furfrou.
Other:Just getting started in pokeheroes and thought this would be fun!
Mystery/Code Word: RyuMemeOne
Things You Wish To Buy: Aurorus/Amaura
Who You Wish To Buy From: The MemeOne
Price Total: 2800 to 3500
Other: If possible I'd love a female!
Mystery/Code Word: RyuMemeOne
Thank you so much :)
List of What you can Breed: (Please provide links)I don't have a list but I will breed any Pokemon I have
Other:Currently shiny hunting Summer Meerep- would sell them for 23K each
Mystery/Code Word: