Forum Thread
The world of pokemon
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The world of pokemonOk, now for the good stuff. Some quick notes:
I would prefer anyone who joins to use proper and understandable grammar.
Everything is acceptable as far as fantasy for characters go, you could be a vampire or something like that XD.
No cussing
Don't kill characters without the user's permission.
You will not be accepted unless you use the form provided below.
Use your noodle when making your character.
Have fun!
Trainer name:
Trainer type OR pokemon:
If trainer, what pokemon do you have???:
If pokemon, what moves???:
Are you entirely human? If not, what are you?
I will be registering myself of course
Username: Xerneas
Trainer name: Copper
Trainer type: Novice ranger
Gender: male
Pokemonz: Zoroark, pidgeot, Semisage
Are you entirely human? No, Copper is actually a living shadow that was mutated as a lab experiment by team snagem (yes snagem)
Trainer Name: Shadow
Trainer Pokemon Type: Fighting/Steel
Gender: Male
If Pokemon, what pokemon do you have?: Mega Lucario, Lucario x3, Riolu x2
If pokemon, what moves?: Psywave and Force-Palm (Only two i know that it actually has.)
Are you entirely human? If not, what are you? I am Half Lucario, Half Human, i have the Tail and Ears, and Snout as a Lucario.
If i get accepted, thank you very much.
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
Username: Oddballme (Durr :3)
Trainer name: Bella-rei Loumay
Trainer type OR pokemon: Breeder/Trainer
If trainer, what pokemon do you have???: Aerodactyl (Can mega), Ampharos(Can mega), Aurorus, Charizard (Will Mega Y), Chesnaught, Aromatisse.
If pokemon, what moves???: ~
Are you entirely human? If not, what are you?: Bella is a crossover of Human and Sylveon, however, she has no of the Pokémon except for looks.

"Go! Amilite (Aurorus)!" She called, sending out Aurorus. After Amilite settled, she hopped on him. The Aurorus started walking, as he was used to this. After a short minute, Bella called, "Back, Amilite!" and walked in the Pokecenter to heal and get Aroje (Aerodactyl), and Embrux Skar (Charizard).
Afterwards, she went ahead and let out Aroje, Embrux Skar, Amilite, Chesnut (Chesnaught), Aroma(Aromatisse), and Sollux (Ampharos). Bella began to call up each Pokémon to tell them their job.
(Spoiler is here because it may be long.)

"Amilite! Embrux!" Bella signed. The two Pokémon quickly stepped up, being used to it. "To the forest. Train up to level 65!" Bella signed to the two Pokémon, and they hurried off in the Forest, as they were both super effective there.
"Sollux! Chesnut!" Bella signed. Chesnut nudged Sollux, then walked up. Sollux quickly did too. "Head to the ocean. Stay close!" Bella signed, and Chesnut went with Sollux.
"Aroje! Go find some Fire Types in the direction of the Volcanic Plain!" Bella quickly sihned Aroje off as he flew off.
"Aroma, go find some Dragon and Fighting types in the cave." The small Fairy-type nodded, and trotted off.
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
Username: Forest Train
Trainer name: Sage
Trainer type: La la la,Normal trainer walkin' on the streets...
Gender: Female.
If trainer, what pokemon do you have???: Luxray,Zoroak,Pumpkaboo,Mawile,Dodrio,Timburr.
If pokemon, what moves???: ERROR 404: NOT POKEMON
Are you entirely human? If not, what are you? I'm half chimera,with the wings and tail.
Am I accepted? I dont know if I am or not...
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Copper morphed into a shadow and followed Shadow.
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
Amilite caught sight of a rustling bush. She nudged Embrux, who was stuffing his face with berries again. "I know! I know! I smell it!" Embrux fiercely whispered, tucking his wings back. "You keep sight of it. I don't know what it could be. You see better through these trees, since you are the tallest on Bella's team."
Amilite nodded, then stood over the trees, spotting a trainer walking to the edge of the forest. She leaned back down, and whispered, "It's a trainer. But I don't think we have to worry."
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
"Hey, I'm almost level 65. I need one more Pokémon." Embrux said. "How much do you need?"
"I'm almost done. I think one more Beedrill or Butterfree should do it. I have the lucky egg, but I'm going to give it to you to pass off to Aroma. She's only level 55, so I think it will help." Amilite replied. "Go ahead and go, I'll get- AHHH!" The Aurorus quickly used Ice Beam, taken by surprise at the horde of Caterpie. She was able to fire a big enough shot to hit all, and take them all down. She smiled. "Now, let us go."
Being friends in all, half of the EXP went to Embrux. "Alright. Let's make it snappy." The Charizard said, splitting out a cry, "Charrrzaaarrrdd!" and flying up. Amilite stood at full height, gently balancing the egg on her head, letting Embrux grab it before Embrux went off to Aroma, and Amilite went back to her trainer, still at full height.
Trainer name: Firanzus
Trainer type OR pokemon: Pokemon Elite Four Member
Gender: Male
If trainer, what pokemon do you have???: Zoroark, Charizard, Gengar, Yanmega, Butterfree
If pokemon, what moves???: Zoroark = Dark Void, Sleep Talk, Slash, Bite, Charizard = Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Fly and Fire Spin
Are you entirely human? If not, what are you?: I am human.
*Notices about 100 Caterpies smothered in ice*
"Lets do this!" Firanzus says and he shouts "CHARIZARD, HELP ME OUT!"
Charizard appears in a flash of light and roars.
"Charizard, use Flamethrower to melt that ice!" Firanzus shouts.
The ice starts melting under a massive tornado of flame. Half the weaker Caterpie are knocked out by the time they get out of the ice, the other half seem untouched.
"Return" says Firanzus and Charizard roars, then is returned to its Pokeball.
While Firanzus is then walking across the lane to the Pokemon League to see if anybody had came to challenge him, he saw a ton of rocks what looked like they had appeared from a Pokemon's move.
"Somebody must be waiting for me..." Firanzus thinks and he takes out Zoroark's Pokeball and uses it to summon Zoroark.
"ZOROARRKKKK!!!" cried Zoroark.
"Slash!" said Firanzus.
The rocks were immediately cut and knocked away.
Continue the story below!

1. You posted before I even started to accept your form. That is a no-go alone.
2. This is a free roam rp. There is no pokemon league here.
3. USE UNDERSTANDABLE GRAMMER! Not lines, actual paragraphs.
Therefore, your form is un-accepted and the events you posted did not occur.
Sorry, but you brought it upon yourself.