Forum Thread
The Great Breloom Hunt!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → The Great Breloom Hunt!hello!!

here's a very professional looking forum.
so ye.
i've recently fallen in love with this mushroom raptor thing and what better way to show that than to do a month long hunt of 'em? <:
here's a fun little fact;;
i'm a little miss picky pants when it comes to natures, so i've decided to sell slots for these little guys! ..well, one of their children unless you choose to evolve them. :3c

here's the slots;
what will it cost ya'?
some time.. patience.. and, of course, some PD/nuggets/grass gems. <3
don't worry, it's not expensive so i can easily spread the Breloom love!!
PD wise, every slot costs 75k PD!
Nugget wise, just 50!
and for grass gems? 70 outta do it!
got some grass gems but don't want a slot?
cool! i'm willing to buy them for 1k each!
i'll add cool items for trade as i get them.. but i kinda sold those recently aha ;w;
uh.. no rushie and pre pay, please? otherwise those who don't pay first will get skipped over until they have. uvu
believe me, i spend my life on this game and getting this account locked is the last thing i want, so you're safe. ;w;
thanks for reading~

*smol note; starting this after one more shiny snivy hatches <3*
Title: I would like a slot

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