"Oh, hi! Are you Max?" Jelly said said as Max stumbled into the
"If you are, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in
the parts and services room?"
Max entered the office. And what was there startled her. It wasn't
the Jelly she knew and loved. It was just like her, but shiny and
new. With the rosy cheeks and well oiled limbs. Max lunged at the
"WHERE'S JELLY?!?" She roared, making the room almost shake.
"No, that's not... that... " Max heard the night guard and stood
perfectly still.
Danny lumbered toward the office, buttoning his shirt. He saw the
animatronics in the office and jumped. "Creepy little things..." he
muttered. Danny tried moving them all, but could only move Jelly.
The other purple one seemed to be giving him this evil glare.
Danny shoved the animatronics over and ran into a stall in the
boy's bathroom.
"Animatronics don't talk when they're shut down Danny, stop being
Leli was sitting in the back room, staring at the exposed
endoskeleton. She sighed and stared at her paws. She glumly
attempted at curling up like a cat but failed.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up